Chapter 2 | Memory.

Start from the beginning

He laughed, "I should've known. How's Maria?"

"Awesome." I said as I put my things in the back. Jared nodded, "That's good."

"Hey, girl!" I looked over to see one of my close friends here, Janet.
I gave her a smile, "Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time, how was your trip to Hawaii?"

Last week, she wasn't here since she went on a family vacation to Hawaii for a wedding. I thought it was pretty cool.

"It was great, while they were doing more wedding plans, I was out by the water."
I laughed, "That's very like you."
She chuckled, "You know me so well."

"Amber! There's a table over there!"

I looked over to where Jared was pointing and grabbed my notepad and pen, then walked over to the table.

"Hello, I'm Amber, I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you guys?" I asked the group of guys all watching me.

"Uh, can I have a water?" One of the guys asked.

"Man, you need to stay off that water, and drink real stuff. Like alcohol." another guy said.

I did a soft chuckle. After they gave me all their orders, which was most likely alcohol, I went back to the bar area.

I gave Carlos, the guy who works the bar, the bartender, the paper. He gave me a small smile, "Look at you, those guys over there were totally checking you out." he smirked.

I raised one eyebrow, "No they were not. Besides, who cares anyways?"
He laughed, "You do." He made the drinks and put them on a tray.

I grabbed the tray, "Mm, I wonder what made you think I'd actually go for those guys?"

He shrugged, "I am not judging," he raised his hands in surrender.

"You don't have to, they're not my type."

"What's your type?"

"Gotta go!" I smirked and walked back to the table and gave the guys their drinks.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Yeah, uh can I have your number?" One guy said.

Okay, that was like really cheesy.
I just kept a straight look on my face, turned and walked away.
I wanted to laugh but I held it in.

"Dude, you didn't even get a response!"

I shook my head as I made it back to where Jared and Carlos stood. Janet was at a table.

"Did those guys say anything to you?" Jared asked.

"They wanted my number."

Carlos laughed, loudly. "Lord have mercy, I told you! See what happens when you don't listen to the one and only Carlos?"

"No, because you're not the one and only Carlos."

He dropped his shoulders, "You know what I mean."
I laughed.


It was the end of my shift, so I went to the back and grabbed my purse.

"Hey, we need to hang out sometime. I feel like I haven't been talking to you in forever." Janet said as she grabbed her purse too.

We both had the same hour shifts so it was pretty easy whenever we wanted to hang out.

"Yes, we will definitely be needing to plan something." I told her as we both walked out after waving bye to the people who had longer shifts.

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