What were you?

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A/N: All right, before this story get's started, let me express my disappointment that, from what I have seen, Wattpad has absolutely no fanfiction in regards to the wonderful (in my opinion, anyway...) AU in fanfiction that is Skull-is-Harry-Potter. I Do not like this, so I'm writing my own! (Besides that fact, I just really have been itching to write something like this for a while...) 


Skull, then a too-skinny little boy who thought his name was, "Freak," or "Boy," first discovered his Flame when he was barely six years old. His uncle, Vernon, had been infuriated that the 'bastard child of Petunia's whore of a sister and a drunkard,' was doing better in school than his dear, little, Dudders. He doesn't know what it's called, or even what it is, until later. He had been covering his head, trying to protect what little he could, when all of a sudden he just felt angry. Angry at the way he was constantly treated by the people others might consider 'family', angry at the way he couldn't do anything but lie there, curled up as tiny as he could make himself, and take it. before he knew it, he had flames flickering up his arms to his shoulders, acting as shield on his body. Of course, while it worked for a little bit, he was beaten and left without food for two weeks because he did something 'freakish'. He experimented with them in secret after that, trying to see what all the Amethyst Flames could do. He didn't get very far, however, when he was discovered and ratted out by an overly-curious Dudley. Later, he used this flame to burn Quirrelmort (A mothers love? Bull shit.) to ashes, and it was this flame that he used in loose conjunction with his magic during the war to defeat the Death Eaters.


All of the Ex-Arcobaleno were gathered at a watering hole for their annual, week-long, meeting. Reborn and Collanello were trying to get Skull drunk, having never seen what the Cloud Arcobaleno's personality was while he was totally and completely shit faced. Lal was off to the side with Yuni, talking about something or other. Fon was off to the side, watching the chaos going on between the Sun, Rain, and Cloud with amusement. Reborn kept forcing Skull to swallow drink after fucking drink, and Skull, weak bastard everyone thought he was, somehow managed to a full forty-three shots of whiskey and scotch before his personality changed a little. Another twenty-two shots later, and he was finally shitfaced enough for them to tell. Then the questions from Reborn and Colonello started.

"Why don't you ever show us that face under all of that makeup?" Colonello asked. Skull frowned and Reborn along with Colonnello were forced to do a double take to confirm in their minds what their eyes were telling them. Their Cloud, the one of them whom they had never seen as a serious person, was frowning, his amethyst eyes darkening considerably. 

"That is..." Skull's normally annoying and loud voice was noticeably different, somehow having deepened with an edge of tiredness seeping in, his face unnaturally serious. "That is none of your business." The sudden coldness and sharpness to Skull's voice drawing Lal's attention from whatever was being talked about with Yuni. Colonello didn't seem to sense the change in atmosphere, as he kept pressing with more questions, until finally, a last question was asked.

"What did you do before you were recruited for the Arcobaleno? I mean, before you were a stuntman." Colonello questioned. Finally having enough alcohol in his system to not care anymore, even though his words were unusually clear, and thoroughly finished with Colonello's questions, Skull's voice was hard and bitter.

"I was a soldier, damn it." Skull pulled a sneer vaguely reminiscent of a certain potions professor. "I was a fucking soldier."

And with those four words, the Ex-Arcobaleno's worlds stopped.

Skull, the weak, crybaby lackey, was a soldier




What the ever-loving fuck?!

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