The Bet *Thirteen and Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Why do these thoughts haunt me today? I don’t want to be depressed! Shaking my head, I try to think of nothing. I want my mind to be a blank sheet of paper, even just for a few minutes.

I want a piece of mind!

You’re the sky that I fell through. I remember the view whenever I’m holding you.

It takes a second for me to realize that that’s my phone ringing. Someone’s calling!


Taking a deep breath, I grab my phone and answer it. “Hello?”


That sounds like. . .

I look at the caller ID and not that surprised to see it’s Draky.

“What do you want?” I ask.

I’m not that disappointed because it’s him who calls. He doesn’t know it’s my birthday today and I don’t expect that he’ll greet me.

“Why so grouchy?” he asks.

“I’m not,” I deny.

“So, um, how are you today?”

“You’re calling to ask how I am?” I ask incredulously.

“What’s wrong with my question?” he asks.

I can imagine him raising his eyebrow.

Oh my. I can’t believe I can see him in my mind while I’m talking to him.

“Nothing,” I say evasively.

I have to admit, I’m quite grumpy today. And I don’t want to accept that it’s because no one remembers my birthday.

Such a shallow reason.

“How was your sleep?”


“Did you dream about me?” he asks amusedly.

“A nightmare,” I say.

Actually, I don’t remember my dream last night. It even feels that I just close my eyes for a couple of minutes than hours.

“Sweet,” he says. “That means your thinking about me.”

“Huh?” I ask brilliantly.

He sighs. “Didn’t you know, when you dream about a person, that means you’re thinking about him too much. And see, I’m with you even in your dreams.”

I shouldn’t have lied. He’ll just think that I really dreamed of him. But isn’t a great idea to make him fall in love with me? I’ll let him think I’m falling, when in the first place it’s him who falls.

“They say that when you dream about a person, it’s the one on the dream thinking about the person dreaming, not the other way around,” I say, “and that means you’re thinking about me too much.”

I can’t believe I said that. It’s like someone is talking, not myself.

Draky’s speechless.

I breathe a sigh of relief. At least I make him speechless. Again.

 “I wish you a happy—.” He stops talking suddenly.

“What?” I ask not too eagerly.

It’s a few seconds before he answers, “A happy day ahead.”


I hate how my voice sounds disappointed with that single word. Is Oh even a word? What I know is it’s a sound of expression.

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