"Do you ..maybe...want me to teach you some chords?" I boldly ask, regretting it half a second later.  She obviously has way better things to do than sit alone with me as--

"Sure," she replies after a moment, cutting off my train of thought. I must look pretty shocked, because her forehead creases as another smile tugs at the corners of her mouth.

I grin at her, before heading back inside the empty music room. She follows closely behind, and I am thankful that she can't see the ridiculously huge smile that's taken over my face.

I pick up the guitar, and motion for her to sit on the stool. Gently resting it on her lap, I stand behind her and show her where to put her hands, guiding them with my own.

"So, you just wanna rest your elbow there..." Loving every second of this, I guide her arms and show her exactly where to rest them. Once she's ready, I demonstrate how to play a C chord, her fingers easily finding the correct spot. Even though she could effortlessly do all of this on her own, I don't let go. In this moment, right now, she is mine, at least in my mind. She's mine to hold, mine to gaze at, and mine  to love.

She begins to play, slowly strumming with her left hand. With my fingers still on top of hers, I gently move them to form a B chord. She smiles, and I find myself grinning as well and staring at her from the side, whether she knows it or not. She stops playing, and all I hear is the sound of our breathing.

She looks up at me, still wearing that shy smile, the room silent as I gaze back down at her, studying her every feature, as if this is the last time I will see her this close again. Which very well could be true.

We stay like this for a few seconds, just her and I, in our own world, when I see a flash of brown hair outside the window in the door. I look up, breaking my gaze with Jo, to an angry Harry staring at me, his green eyes practically piercing me with hate. Before Jo can look up, he flips me off and walks away.


*Harry's POV*

I never imagined having a crush. Especially on a pixie looking girl, of all people. When I imagine a girl to date, I picture someone like who Zayn is dating, Perrie. With a gothic look, dyed hair, and thick eyeliner. 

Not platinum blonde hair, soft eyes, and a sweet smile. How I feel for those lips is a mystery to my own curious mind. I noticed her on the first day of school, when she walked into the lunch room with Lovato talking non-stop beside her. She had an everlasting smile and payed close attention to her, like she has the most interesting things to say. 

Ha, funny. 

Zayn and Louis noticed my distant attitude that day, and of course they were annoying about it, as usual. Lou wouldn't shut up about her being too preppy, and Zayn wouldn't shut up about his stupid dead goldfish. I wondered how that even was relevant. 

"So, I heard her name was Jo," Zayn had said. He smiled, the hole which his lip ring had caused stretching apart. Normal people would cringe at that, but when they look at Zayn, they just want to know how that feels against their lips. It was an awkward moment when the newest, youngest teacher of our high school was going all kinky on Zayn during his detention because of that lip ring.

He told me he almost died just taking one whiff of her old lady perfume.

"Yeah," Louis grumbled. He sent a glare towards Jo. She was pretty much settled into Niall's "Jock" table with all those other useless, annoying people.

I caught Niall and Jo almost kissing a second ago. Almost. They were so close until Niall saw me. I'm pretty sure he was wondering what I was doing there, and I'm in no mood to tell him or his annoying ass mother.

the thought of Jo and Niall being a thing makes me want to puke. i don't know what it is about that  girl, but she has something. it's the shy but ambitious glow in her eyes; it's the way she's not super thin and rocks it. it's the way that on the first day at a new high school, she wore an army v-neck instead of trying to be a fashion model. it's all these things that i notice more each day, and with each passing second, one thought stands out above all others--

she's mine.

not Niall's.


I slowly trudge along toward science. I usually don't care if I get absent or not, but if I get expelled from this school because of too many absents, not to mention other things i'm not exactly proud of, my Dad will flip out. it would be the third explusion in my life.

I pushed open the door to see everyone already seated and chatting amongst themselves.

"Ah, Mr. Styles," Mrs. Eliza takes off her hipster glasses and looks at me, "I knew you'd get here eventually." 

I nod and try to find an empty seat, but my teacher speaks up before I can move. "Ah, I have a seat for you. You are assigned to a partner, she's over there, in the back." 

I want to lash out at her, but obviously that's not an option. I don't want to work with anyone, or, quite frankly, do work, period. I sigh, not exactly trying to conceal it as Mrs. Eliza speaks again, "Go to the back table. You are partnered with Jo Ryder." 

I furrow my eyebrows. It can't be the same Jo, can it? looking toward the back of the room, sure enough, i see those bright green eyes staring back at me. Before I can do anything embarrassing, I quickly stride over there and take the empty seat by her. she gives me a small smile in greeting.

"Hey, I'm Jo," she speaks to me for the first time.

I look over at her, feeling my heart hammering in my chest, "I'm...I'm Harry."

She smiles again, her eyes lighting up. "I guess we're partners for the rest of the year."

At the thought of that, my face brightens as well. "I guess we are."


a/n: credits to Jai for writing the original last half of the chapter, i just edited it a bit :) 

Guardian (Niall Horan + Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora