Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution

Start from the beginning


At the college, Kota was again walking Sang to her class with Mr. Blackbourne at the library.

He looked distracted, almost dazed, and Sang reached out with a hand, touching his arm lightly, to stop him.

He froze and stared down at her, his green eyes curious.

"Is something wrong, Kota?" she asked him quietly.

The hallway was crowded with students trying to get to their classes, so Kota pulled Sang out of the way and closer to the wall. He stood between her and the other students on the corridor, his body stance protective, keeping her safe from all the jostling going on.

Raising a hand to her face he ran his fingers through her cheek lightly, tucking an unruly lock of hair behind her ear. There was a look of wonder in his eyes as he stared at the precious girl in front of him.

He still couldn't believe all the changes that had happened within his family since her arrival, but he supposed he shouldn't be surprised.

It was just like Sang to bring change and happiness whenever she went. Sometimes she didn't even realize that she was doing it, her gift for making people happy being as natural as breathing for her.

"You are simply amazing, Sang." He breathed, his voice low and deep as he stared at her in adoration.

Sang blushed and ducked her head, staring at their feet, a small smile playing on her face.

He touched her chin to raise her face and she met his eyes with a shy look. He smiled down at her, his eyes soft with caring before lowering his head to give her a quick peck on the lips.

She blushed even more and looked around at themselves, noticing that the hallway was now empty, the students having all gone to their classes, which meant they were late.

"Come on." Kota said, grabbing her hand and tugging her after him.

They walked the rest of the way to their classes with silly smiles on their faces.


Arriving at the library she said good-bye to Kota before entering and heading to the tiny room where she would have her class with Owen.

She considered suggesting that they had their class out in the library itself, on one of the tables disposed for students to sit at, but changed her mind knowing that spending her time in private with Owen would be far more interesting.

Knocking lightly on the door before opening it, she stepped inside and was immediately greeted by the sight of her perfect boyfriend. Owen Blackbourne was sitting in one of the chair around the round table, a fez papers stacked in a neat pile beside his left elbow, a book open on his hands which he'd obviously been reading before she walked inside. He had a millimeter smile on his face as he greeted her.

"Good morning, Miss Sorenson. You are a little late for class." He said in a stern tone, belying the happiness in his steel grey eyes.

She smirked at him even while blushing. "I was a little busy, Mr. Blackbourne."

He raised an eyebrow in curiosity but didn't ask what she meant by "busy". Instead he stood from his place at the table and pulled out a chair for her to sit at.

Sang sat gracefully on her place and waited for him to sit down himself before speaking. "Have you talked with Dr. Roberts about my moving in with Nathan, Owen?"

Closing his book and setting it aside he answered "Yes, he is already informed. But I thought you might want to talk with him yourself, darling, so I asked him if he could clear his schedule this afternoon to help with your move."

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