Chapter 33

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We're on our way home. I didn't tell Sam. I want Jc to be the first to know. And I think Sam is annoyed that I won't say anything but I'm sure he'll get over it.

" Hey I'm starved, wanna get some Taco Bell? "

Tacos. The thought made me throw up a little in my mouth.

" Sam, please don't talk about...that word "

" What? But all I said was I wanted some-

" Sam! Please "

" Uh- okay. I'll just take you home then? "

" That would be awesome "

The car was silent the rest of the way home. As we pulled into my drive Sam unlocked my door.

" By Sammy. Thanks for be such a good friend. I'll call you okay? "

" Yeah okay "

I kissed his cheek and jumped out of the car. After a few steps up the stairs a sharp pain went up my back which made me fall onto my knees. I groaned and picked myself back up. Once inside the house I layed straight down on my bed.

I just needed some sleep. To clear my head.

I lifted my heavy lids to see Jc standing in front of me with his hands in a drawer.

" Hey babe. When did you get home? "

" Hey "

He didn't anwser my question. I slid off the bed and walked over to where Jc was. He lifted his hands and threw a couple pairs of pants into a suit case laying near by.

" Going somewhere? ", I questioned him.

Again he didn't anwser. He only kept packing the small suit case to the brim.

" Jc! "

He turned quickly and looked at me with wide eyes.

" What? "

" What me? What you! What the hell are you doing? "

" Leaving. "

" Leaving? "

Tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

Did he know? Is that why he was leaving?

I pushed the tears back and waited for an explanation.

" I can't take it anymore Tori. I have to get away for awhile. All this sadness, I just can't handle it. You know I love you and this isn't about you. I'll be back, sometime. "

Leaving. He's leaving.

" Jc "

" You can't talk me out of it Tori, I'm going "

I stood in the hallway, watching Jc throw his things from the bathroom hastily into the suitcase, as tears beaded off my cheeks. Without thinking about what I was doing I ran into the bathroom, grabbed the suitcase, and ran back into the hallway. Jc followed after me slowly. He said my name several times but I eventually tuned him out. Looking into his eyes I dumped the suitcase onto the hallyway carpet and looked down at its contenents. Half way under shirt I saw the shiny gold edge of a picture frame. I feel to my knees and picked it up. As I flipped it over I saw Jc and I. It was from our very first "date". I was wearing the pink bikini and he was wearing the corpus swimming trunks he had bought from the lobby. His arm was around me. We looked so young, so happy. When I finally looked up I reaslised how hard I was crying. Jc snatched the picture frame from my hands and stuffed it into his already packed again suit case.

 " Jc, please don't go "

" I have to "

" No, no you don't "

He sighed loudly and sat next to me on the carpet.

" Yeah, I really do "

" If you love me, you won't go "

He looked into my eyes, hurt. Then got up and walked over to the door.

" Then I guess in your eyes, I don't love you. But I want you to know, you're wrong. "

He opened the door and stepped out. He paused as if waiting for me to say something but I was silent. Then he shut the door behind him. Suddenly my mind connected and my feet carried my quickly out the door.


He turned around slowly.

" Yeah? "

" I'm- I'm four months pregnant "

His mouth flew open in shock.

" You're lying "

" No. I'm not. Go to my doctor. Ask him. "

He stood there, staring at me for about five mintues before dropping his bag to the ground and reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small knife and clicked it open. Then he started comming towards me.

" Jc what are you doing? "

" We have to kill it "

I woke up, sweating and Jc shaking me.

" Tori! Are you okay? "

" Uh yeah I think so. You don't wanna kill me do you? "

" No....."

" Then yeah. I'm good "

" Bad dream? "

" Nightmare "

" Well, I'm here now and I definately don't want to kill you "

I smiled at him as he kissed my forehead. But my smile quickly turned to a frown remembering I had to tell him.

" What's the frown for? "

" We need to talk "

" Okay? "

" Sit down "

He listened, taking a seat next to me "

" Today I was throwing up a whole lot so Sam drove me to the doctor just to make sure I was okay. The doctor ran some tests and told me some interesting news "

" Which is? "

I gulped.

" I'm- um I'm four months pregnant "

I opened my eyes, having closed them in nervousness. Jc was smiling. Just looking at me, smiling.

" Jc, please say something before I explode "

Without a word Jc smashed his lips into mine and pulled me in close. And that, was anwser enough.

Living in Cali <3 (Sequel)(Sam Pottorff & Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now