Chapter 27

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" Will you please do me the honnor of marrying me? "


He pulled a tiny black box out from behind his back and opened it, revealing a shiny diamond ring. My jaw dropped at the size. Tears wereing forming in the corners of his eyes.

" Well I don- DUH! "

He jumped up and pulled me into a tight hug.

" I love you so much "

I replied by giving him a peck on the lips. He carfully removed the ring and slipped in onto my finger. It was so beautiful.

" Let's do it now "

" Do what? "

" Get married! "

" Now? "

" Now! Let's drive to vegas and do it! We'll get there by tomorrow night if we don't stop. I don't wanna wait anymore. You're all I want, and I want you now "

I paused not sure of what to do.

" Come on babe ", he urged me.

" Okay "

He picked me up and spun me around.

" Jc! "

He continues spinning me until we fell onto the bed. Through laughter he pulled me close and kissed me. It wasn't like any other kiss before. I felt safe, secure. He was mine. Forever.

We packed up all our stuff and loaded the car in about 2 hours. Then in one special bag we had Jc's suit and shoes and my nicest dress and heels. Tori's Outfit

Once everything was packed we got in the car and slowly backed out of his drive way.

" Goodbye house ", I whispered under my breath.

I stayed up with Jc almost all night. Reading to him, singing with him, talking, playing games. But by about 6 am I was out. When I woke up it was already 3.

" How much longer babe? "

" About 3 hours or so "

I sighed and adjusted myself. Then I saw the taco bell trash on the floor.

" You ate without me? "

" You were asleep "

I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

" Oh don't pout we'll get you something "

Jc pulled into a Taco Bell and got me a burrito and a pina colada freeze.

" Happy? "

" I'm gonna marry you in 3 hours, so yeah. I'm pretty happy "

He looked over and gave my a cheesey smile. After I ate I got bored so I decided to get on twitter for awhile. I creeped for a little bit, which was my favorite thing to do. Then I anwsered some of my mentions.

Living in Cali <3 (Sequel)(Sam Pottorff & Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now