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Mrs. Johnson was beaming happily as her eldest son told her that Lolita has accepted him. But she also got disappointed knowing that it was just courtship and not marriage yet but then everything big starts small. She sat gracefully with her legs crossed in the exotic restaurant she had invited Grace Badmus to. The latter sat down across her and smiled brightly. 

"My God, Grace! You are so behind." 

"What do you mean?" Grace asked innocently.

"Lolita has agreed to be courted by Ryan." She replied in excitement.

"When did this happen?" Grace was totally surprised.

"Last night apparently after she arrived home from the hospital! She sent a voicemail to Ryan and...It was just lovely!"

"You listened to his voicemail?"

"Don't look at me like that Grace! He was beaming happily this morning so I got the truth out of him."

"Are you saying Lolly proposed to your son?" Grace was horrified.

"Oh No!" Mrs. Johnson quickly said.

"What did the message say?" Grace asked as she took a sip from her tea cup.

"She said she was sorry for being blind... She needed to see him and make up for the date they had three months back." She looked at Grace and said, "Honestly I have been scolding that child to step up his game especially since your daughter was not bulging."

"Wow!" Was all Grace could say in reply? Her sneaky and secretive daughter just never stop to shock her. Yesternight? Just after few hours of reconciling with her father? The tension between them really did a lot of harm to her daughter if she could have allowed herself to ignore and take for granted a great guy as Ryan.

"My poor girl has gone through so much this past three years and she has become so cautious. But that message didn't say she accepted him."

"Read between the lines Grace! Open your eyes." Mrs. Johnson raised her well-manicured hands in the air dramatically. "Well do you think the storm is over?" She asked.

"I believe so. I truly believe it is all over."


Chidi parked the last of his bags and neatly arranged them in to the boot of his friend's car. His heart came to Botswana with so much love and joy and now he is going back home sorrowful, betrayed and brokenhearted. He had called home to inform them to call off all preparations for the wedding and had visited Lorato's parents to apologise for causing them pain. The meeting did not go well as the latter's mother insulted him for bringing shame to their family. He had accepted and bore the insults and hurtful remarks and now he really needs God's help to continue living after his marriage plans had shattered. As he entered the car with his friend at the driver's seat, Lorato ran inside the compound like an athlete. She was out of breath and had traces of dried tears on her face. He got out and waited patiently for her to make her speech. He was angry and disappointed; betrayed and used! 

"Chidi please don't do this." She pleaded in a raspy voice.

"It is up to you to tell your parents what went wrong. I have accepted all their insults and hurtful worlds but it cannot compare to the pain you have inflicted on me. I'm leaving and I hope we don't see each other again. Let us just go our separate ways and take care of our wounds okay." He turned to leave but she pulled him back and pleaded with him not to go. Chidi pushed her away gently and looking into her eyes and said,

 "I'm sorry that it had to end like this but just let it all go. Let me go in peace Lorato! Allow me to grieve for the treasure that I lost."

Lorato's face turned grim. "That treasure is Lolita isn't it?" Chidi sighed and replied,

"I lost the woman I love and wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I lost the one I considered my "best half" and the only one I would call "God's gift" for life. I don't know who she is anymore, maybe when she retraces her steps to where she got lost, we will find each other again." Chidi entered the car leaving Lorato crying all over again. He wasn't referring to Lolita, he was talking about her and it hurts to know she had caused so much pain to him, threw away her chance of a good husband, used him for revenge and threw him into her miserable plot with Desire. He was sure never going to forgive her for her conspiracy and betrayal.


Lolita was about to prepare dinner when Rachael walked in to the kitchen and told her "Stop!" with a wave of her hand. 

"Why? Are we going to starve to death? I'm starving Rachael!" Lolita whined like a baby.

"Well, a very kind hearted person just delivered dinner and a friend of yours also said to dress up cz you are going on a date in five minutes time so please go dress up." She added quickly.

"Ryan bought dinner?!" Her eyes bulged in surprise and excitement.

"I could get use to this royal treatment." Rachael said with a sneaky smile. "Now this dinner is mine alone. I already picked what you will wear. It's on your bed as we speak."

"Rachael" Lolita whined. "It could be a serial killer for all we know."

"I understand you are very much excited because this is your first time to be courted but it does not mean you should let your imagination lose like this!" Before Lolita could reply, she quickly added,

"Just say 'yes, Ma'am.'"

"Yes Ma'am!" Lolita shouted happily and went to her room.

Rachael had picked a cream short-sleeved knee-length dress; a knee-length light brown jacket and a pair of cream ankle boots. She dressed up quickly and went to the mirror to assess herself. She looked good except with a head with very short hair. She sighed as she remembered her past ordeal and wanted to cry but held it in. She picked a shoulder length straight black wig with a right side parting. She fitted it to her head and brushed it gently. Her hair used to be that lovely but soon enough it should grow back. She chose a Black Hand bag, threw her cell-phone, a packet of wine gums and left the room.

Ryan had swapped his shift with another Doctor so he could see Lolita. He took almost thirty minutes to make up his mind on what to wear. He finally settled for a semi-formal look; white pants, white long-sleeved shirt and a navy blue waist coat. He brushed his dark short hair, applied his cologne and wore white semi-casual shoes. He took a selfie and sent it to his mother who was waiting for it via whatsapp. She called almost immediately.

"My handsome son, go and sweep her off her feet. When is your date?"

"It's a surprise."

"You took after your romantic and soft-hearted father. Go quickly and I want a ring on her finger by night fall."

"Mum you are asking for the impossible."

"Am I Ryan?" She sounded upset.

"Mum please don't start. Lolita needs time to heal and she might be leaving by month end."

"Make her stay! You are not getting any younger."

"I know mum! Please allow me to do this my way. I don't want to scare her away." She sighed and replied,

"Okay my son." As if anyone was disputing the fact. "Enjoy your date my darling. Pray for the Lord's direction so things can run more smoothly." Ryan thanked his mother and ended the call, took his car keys, cell-phone and grabbed a navy blue winter coat. His heart leapt with joy as he re-called Lolita's voice message. It was crystal clear she was saying "yes" to his proposal.

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