Catch me if you can (You X Edward)

Start from the beginning

He looks to you, and, with one hand, removes the hood which had kept his face concealed. Scraggy, gold locks capture the light of the sun overhead, while dark, kohl lined eyes capture your own. A smirk appears on his, surprisingly full, lips as he rests an elbow casually against the helm, completely ignoring the battle that continues to rage on around him. He waves a hand at you, challenging you to face him. You mirror his smirk and fight your way through the crew to reach your target, gracefully leaping over bodies that now litter the deck, and carefully avoiding the numerous blades being swung from all angles.

You have almost reached your goal when you find your way blocked by two massive, angry pirates standing shoulder to shoulder, swords drawn and charging at you.
You howl an incoherent challenge and rush to meet them. Steel clangs against steel, and pain scores across your left leg as one of them lands a blow, though, luckily, not deep enough to do any serious damage. You manage to elbow one of them in the throat, and he falls back, choking curses. That gives you the opportunity you need to wound the other slightly and run before he recovers.

You sprint up the set of stairs leading to the quarterdeck and come face-to-face with the Devil himself. No words are exchanged as he unsheathes his cutlass and lunges. You sidestep, barely avoiding having your gut skewered. He spins on his heel and swings his blade, only this time you manage to block his attack with your own blade. Kicking your leg out, you make contact with his stomach, causing him to stagger back. You waste no time in charging at him with your sword, but unfortunately he catches your wrist and in an instant, your back is pressed hard against his chest.

His breath tickles as he chuckles beside your ear. "I must admit I'm a little disappointed, lass. All these months of endless pursuit, well, I was expecting a bit more of a challenge."

"But, Captain Kenway," you started, tightening the grip you kept on the hilt of your cutlass, "I haven't even begun to challenge you."

He released his hold on you after feeling your elbow plunge into his ribs. Quickly bringing the heel of your boot down onto the toe his foot, you spin, swinging your elbow and making contact with his nose. A sickening crunch, and an array of colourful words, follow suit as he staggers away. Blood seeps through his fingers currently clutched around his nose.

Anger flashed across his features. He lunged, his rage making him reckless, but you danced out of the way. Both of you took a few steps apart, taking a few moments to analyse one other. Funnily enough you couldn't understand why so many feared the man. Not only was his footwork slow, but his movements alone were sloppy and in desperate need of refining. He was impulsive and lacked experience that was required to defeat you.

From numerous rumours that have been whispered into your ear, it was clear now that that's exactly what they were: rumours.

Edward lunged, his blade hacking at your throat. You dodge it easily and knock the steel away. He didn't pause, and immediately brought his sword in low and up in a dip, the point heading straight for your stomach. However, your sword came to life and caught his swing. With a flick of your wrist, Edwards' sword flew into the air and landed a few feet away, hitting the deck with a clink.

Pressing the tip of your blade into his neck, you smiled triumphantly, noticing that, not only had you defeated THE Captain Kenway, but his crew had also surrendered and were in the process of being tied up.

Edward forced a grin, "It seems I was wrong. You are a challenge."

"Tell me something I don't know, Sugar," you said. Smythe joined your side, a length of rope in his hands. "On your knees, Kenway," you ordered, gesturing to the deck with your cutlass.

Edwards' eyes flickered around the ship before snapping back to your face. He held his hands up in surrender, the corner of his mouth turning upward momentarily. His miniscule smile swiftly became a wince as Smythe tied his hands securely behind his back, then forced him onto his knees.

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