(Chapter 1)

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The long brown-haired male was running as fast as he could, but quickly losing his breath. If he stopped now though, the walkers would certainly catch up to him. He couldn't fight them either, due to lack of weaponry and manpower; all he had was a medium-sized knife.

"Damn walkers..." Paul mumbled to himself as he slowed down for a moment behind an abandoned car. He quickly looked around, trying to see what trick he could pull off before the walkers reached him. "Ah hah!" He shouted as an idea popped into his head. Using the window-breaker on the backside of his knife, he smashed the window, triggering the alarm.

"Hey, what the hell?!" Another teen around the same age as Paul shouted, while instinctively pointing his crossbow up at the newcomer.

"Woah, woah there bud. It's okay, I'm no harm to you. But this isn't the time for introductions." Paul shouted over the car alarm as he pointed west towards the large herd of walkers. Then he lowered his hand out to help the other boy up, but instead, he just ignored him and slid right past Paul.

Not waiting for anyone, the male with the crossbow began speed walking towards the forest line to their north.

"Hey, wait up!" Paul yelled while jogging to his side. "Can't you at least tell me your name?"

"Daryl. And yours?"

"The name's Paul Rovia. But my friends used to call me Jesus."

"Jesus, huh? I see what they mean..." Daryl observed. "So 'Jesus', how old are you?"

"17... How about you?"

"18." Daryl grunted.


The two ventured through the forest in silence, after Paul gave up on trying to start conversation, until a safe distance from the car alarm. Daylight was being lost quickly, and there weren't any forms of shelter around.

"We'll make camp there." Daryl stated, looking ahead.

"Where?" Paul asked, obviously confused as there were no cars or building around.

"Up there." Daryl sighed, pointing up towards a large oak tree. "We'll sleep on that large branch; it's big enough to hold the both of us. I'll take the first watch while you get some rest."

"Ohhh, okay. Good idea, Daryl!" Paul smiled.

Once the two of them reached the tree there was a small problem... Paul was too short to climb onto the branch.

"There is no way I'm carrying you up there, dude." Daryl murmured.

"Please? How else can I get up there?" Paul whined.

"Tch, fine..." Daryl sighed, giving in to Paul's cute plea. Paul smiled and turned to face the tree so Daryl could get a decent hold of him to lift him up. Daryl placed a hand on each side of Paul's waist, lifting him as high as his arms could reach.

"Almost there..." Paul groaned, extending every muscle in his body in an attempt to get a hold of the branch.

"Just hurry up, dammit. Your butt is in my face." Daryl complained.

"Trust me, I'd rather not be showing off my butt." Paul joked as he finally got a grip and pulled himself up. He placed his bags down near the trunk and held out a hand towards Daryl. Daryl thought about just climbing up himself, but changed his mind and took a hold of Paul's hand and got pulled up.

This sure was going to be an odd friendship....

Jesus and The Archer- A Desus StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora