40. Two Left Feet

Start from the beginning

"Where do you think you're going?!" I almost jump out off my own skin in fright.


"Sit. Now." Lily's holding what I think is makeup.
Don't judge me, but I can barely draw a straight line. I gave up years ago.

"Lily..." I begin to whine as she leans over my face, putting something cold over my eyes, "It tickles!"

"Ssh!" She moves on to the other eye, and I have the urge to laugh, "Stop moving!"

"Sorry." I grin as she pulls away from me, "Thanks."

"Just don't rub your eyes alright?" Lily shakes her head with a small smile, "Or you'll look like a panda."

"I'll see you downstairs?"

"Sure." She turns back to the mirror as I slip on my heels and leave the room, trying not to fall down the stairs as I descend them.
Come on Novak you can do this.
Just be that elegant queen and conquer the heels.
I can hear the others chatting by the front door, and now I have the fear that I'll cock up in front of them all.
The voices die down just as I'm halfway down the last stairs, and suddenly I feel like there are a hundred eyes on me. I hop off of the last step, and without looking up I say, "Hi."

"You look amazing." I look up at the words, and see Remus bright red, having realised he said out loud what should have been in his head, "I mean... yeah you look nice... mate."

Someone sniggers- I assume it's Sirius- and I can feel my face heating. Quick do something Novak, "Thanks mate, not looking too bad yourself."
Nailed it.
I turn to my mum, who is positively beaming, "Ma, where's Mim?"

"Getting her mittens, left them in the living room." Though I think she's rather preoccupied with staring at Remus, then back at me, then again to Remus. Thank God dad and the others just waved it off. Mum on the other hand, she's like an over-excited schoolgirl. She whispers as she adjusts my cloak, "Finally, nice one too."

"Oh my God Ma!" I cringe, quickly turning to the boys in hope of an escape, only to see Sirius and Peter in what seems like a heated discussion and James in his own world gawking at Lily, who's trying to get her shoes on.
So no-one to turn to, great.

"We all ready?" Euphemia does a final check to see if her boys are wearing gloves and scarves, "Right, let's go!"

We file out of the house, parents first, then us, kind of reminding me of how ducklings follow ducks. Miriam holds onto mum's hand as we turn into the road, and James suddenly pushes past me, camera in hand, "Girls! Give us a pose!"

Lily jumps on my back just as the flash sets off, firstly leaving me with a broken back, and secondly, dreading if I closed my eyes when the picture was taken. I smack James on the arm, "Could've given us warning!"

"I did." He grins, waving the photo around in hopes of securing the colour faster, "Keep walking! Chop chop! It'll be New Year by the time we get there at this pace."

James jogs to catch up with Lily, leaving me. Remus, Sirius and Peter are just behind, so I slow down to join them, "Hello boys."

"Lin," Sirius says in an agitated tone, "Pete here says he could get a date before midnight and that I couldn't. He says I'm bad at flirting."

So this was their heated conversation, "Umm, okay?.."

"Who's team are you on?" Sirius asks, hand gestures reaffirming his words frantically.

I look to Remus for help, but he just says calmly, "I'm on Pete's side too about Padfoot."

"Well..." I turn to Sirius, who's giving me puppy-dog eyes as we walk, "I'll find you a date then, Black."

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