chapter 22

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Play song when told.

Evan pov.

We made it. All we have to do is wait for Jonathan to come.

"What's the plan?" Sookie asked.

"We get ready. All the snipers get on high grounds. The others with armored trucks and choppers get ready. The rest of us will wait in a building and as soon as we see them we will come out and surround them." I said.

"Got it." Everyone said.

We all had a ear piece. We had other people join our "gang" I guess you can call it. We're much stronger than before.

Jonathan pov

We were driving in the abandoned town. I felt something off about this place, but Mark didn't so he kept driving. We stopped in front of a building.

"Do you think they're here." Jack asked.

"I don't know, maybe." Mark replied.

While they was talking I was looking around. I then saw something shiny. I took out my pistol and shot it real fast.
Mark and Jack looked at me stupid, I kept my eyes on the same spot.

"What's your problem?!" Mark yelled.

"Someone's over there." I said calmly.

I walked towards the spot.


I heard a voice. I looked to my right and saw a guy with a pig mask. Then more people surrounded us.

"Who are you fucks?" Jack asked, angry.

I pointed the gun at the guy with a paper bag on his head.

"Put the gun down delirious or we will shoot your leader." I looked to my left and saw a guy with an owl mask.

I lowered my gun and kicked it towards them so that they won't think I will pick it back up. Then I heard gun shots and two bodies falling to the ground.

"You motherfuckers!! You said you wouldn't shoot!" I yelled at them.

I wasn't paying attention to anything behind me so I got pistol whipped.


I woke up tied to a bed. I started struggling.

"Calm down. We're not going to hurt you." The guy with the owl mask said.

"Let me go. I will fucking kill all of you!" I yelled.

"What happened to you. Why do you care for them so much, huh!?" The guy with the pig mask ask.

I stopped what I was doing. I don't know why I care for them all of a sudden. Should I be happy they they're gone? Maybe I can go back to Evan and my friends.

"Look you can just keep killing. Isn't there people that care for you? That wants you back with them, safe?" The owl guys asked.

"Y-yes but I don't think they will forgive me." I said.

"We do." Pig guy said.

Everyone started taking their masks off. Evan was the last one to take it off. I didn't know what to say.

"We don't fully trust you though." Abbie said.

"Yeah, you been killing people for a long time." Hope added.

"I understand." I said.

"Let's get you out. That looks uncomfortable." Sookie laughed.

When they took me off I ran towards Evan and hugged him.

Can I Trust You?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt