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Vampires and humans had been living peacefully for centuries. My mother had told me that the vampires and humans didn't always get along, but one day they made peace, and the vampires signed a treaty saying they would never harm humans again. My mother still told me not to completely trust humans, but I did. They seemed so nice, I played with some of them at school. But they ran so slowly, it was hard to play tag with them. and sometimes I could see something in the distance, like a bird, and they couldn't see it. My mom has said they are a weaker version of us, but I didn't think that. they were just different. I mean, there were humans who still avoided vampires, but everything was peaceful.

Was, Being the key word. I'm going to explain what changed, and how it changed. My memory of the day is so vivvid, as much as I try to push it deep down inside of me. I'll never forget.

Year 1916

""Kalila!" I hear my best friend, Aaron, run up to me. I'm seven, and he is nine.

Our families are very close, we are almost like siblings. My dad is the leader of the vampires, and he works with the human council. My mom works for the council too. So they aren't home very often. But today they are coming home early, since its my birthday today. I'm very excited!

"What is it, Aaron?" It's morning, not that I slept. Vampires don't sleep. But we usually stay inside at night anyway, for the human's sake. He gives me a friendly hug.

"Happy birthday! I asked my mom if she would take us to The Crimson Diner." The Crimson Diner is where us vampires go for blood. Not human blood, of course, It's artificial. It still keeps us alive, though. I don't go there often, since we keep a supply in the fridge. The blood at the Crimson Diner is fresher, though, even though it is still not real blood.

"I'd love to!" I say cheerfully and smile. I follow him outside. Not before writing a note for my parents if they are home before me. Although my parents aren't usually home, I always make sure they know where I am going.

I'm wearing a hat, because although vampires don't burn from sunlight, it is uncomfortable. Like getting a sun burn on a hot day. My large hat helps prevent that. Vampires have very pale skin, its almost white. I have long, straight, raven black hair and ice blue eyes. My mom always braids it for me, and I love how it looks.

We walk there, Aaron his mom and I. We pass humans and fellow vampires, whom I smile at when they look over at me. Most know that I am the daughter of the vampire leader. Once we reach our destination, we walk inside. This Diner is the only public place that humans don't go in. It isn't the law or anything, they just don't because most items consist if blood. They're probably a little bit creeped out by it. It isn't very busy today, probably because most people are still at work.

I get one of the kid sized cups and take a sip. "Yum,"  I lick my lips as my fangs pop out. Even though we don't bite through human flesh, its just an instinct that still happens. Its hard to believe that a long time ago, our ancestors drank the blood of humans. Why would they hurt humans, when they are so nice? We vampires have evolved over the years, and no longer feel the urge to have human blood. There is rumours, however, that human blood makes us a lot stronger than this blood does. I'm not sure if thats true.

I decide to start a conversation. "So, where is Aviana?" I ask. Aviana is Aaron's little sister, who is currently three. They look very alike, anyone would be able to tell they are siblings.

"Oh, she stayed home with our dad." He tells me.

"Cool." I smile, trying to think of ways to keep up the conversation, when he speaks up.

"Kalila, why do you smile so much?" Aaron asks.

"Because I'm happy ,and when I'm happy, smiling proves it! and it makes other people happier." I give him a smile that shows my teeth, fangs and all.

Vampire Queen (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt