Chapter One- The Speech

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I look into the mirror at myself. My brown hair is tousled everywhere.
"My name is Kara, and today I will be giving you all a speech about my Junior Year of highschool. It was a fun year for me...."
"Kara hurry up, I have to use the bathroom!" My sister yells from the other side of the door.
"Okay okay, don't die I'm done." I pack up all my school stuff and stick it inside my binder. Then fix my hair in the usual ponytail. Whenever I open the door my sister falls in.
She raises her hand to me and I help her up. "Be careful." I say. She smirks off at me. Whenever she is standing I walk out to the front porch, to find my best friend Kelsey.
"Hey Kels." I say. She smiles and meets me at the swing.
"You scared, you have that big speech to do?" She asks. I look her in the eyes.
"I'm not scared. I'm ready!" I reply.
"You go girl!" She yells. We both laugh.
"Well, we better get going before they start without you." She raises up and walks down the driveway. I follow beside her.
We don't talk for the rest of the walk. Whenever we get to the school we part. I go to the gymnasium and she goes to the bleachers.
I am giving a speech to the tenth graders and eleventh graders. Since I was the smartest kid in my grade I got to give the speech.

1 hour later

I take my seat in the bleachers between Kelsey and Jake. The principal walks up to the podium and starts his own speech.
"It has been a long great year. I got to see my students grow into young men and women. The seniors will go to collage, but we are not here to talk about them. We are here to talk about you! Next year my juniors will become seniors, but this isn't my speech to give. Everyone give a warm welcome to Kara Biggons!"
I raise up and start walking towards the podium. People give me handshakes and high fives. Some just smile and wave. Kelsey and screaming my name along with Jake.
Whenever I make it to the podium, I see just how full it is. I get goosebumps on my arms and legs.
I open the envelope that holds my speech and begin. "My name is Ka...Kara, and today...I will he giving you..." I stop and wipe the sweat off my for head. "A speech about my...." I stop talking. I look down on the ground and little things begin to shake. Then bigger thing begin to shake. Someone in the bleachers scream, and before I know it. There is chaos.
Everyone in the gymnasium is screaming and running around. I start walking off the stage when a violent shake knocks me off my feet. I bang my head on the concrete steps and my vision goes blurry. I can't hear, I look around and everyone is pushing over the other.
Then very faintly I hear the speaker. "A 8.8 EARTHQUAKE IS HAPPENING! PLEASE GO TO A SAFE ZONE. I REPEAT...." Tears start falling off my face. I raise up just in time. If I would have stayed a second later a giant beam would have crushed me.
I look around and see Kelsey running my way. Then a large part of the roof collapses right above her.

Hey guys sorry for any grammer mistakes!!!! Also be looking forward for chapter 2!!! Don't forget to vote!

Disasterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें