Chapter 14: Attack On Eternal

Start from the beginning

"Yes, to answer your question, usually mentors are of a higher age and maturity level than regular high schoolers." Xiao said. "But considering that in all my years here at Eternal, no one has shown more potential in the weekly rankings than you seven. I've decided that you'd all be the perfect fit for Scarlett."

Hazu tentatively raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Omori."

Hazu began playing with her braid nervously, the room beginning to smell like mint. "Um...aren't m-mentors usually s-singular?"

"True, but never before have we had a student quite like Scarlett at our school." Xiao adjusted himself on his desk. "Scarlett is-"


Everyone narrowed their eyes at Madoc.

"No, Mr. O'Brian." Xiao looked at me and sighed in disappointment. "Tell me again why I have to deal with this." Xiao looked back to the group of students. "Scarlett has the attribute of Dragon Soul."

I swear everyone's jaws dropped to the floor at that moment. There was a bit of silence before Kallan finally broke it by whooping at the top of her lungs. She pumped her fist and pointed at Talia.

"I told you so!" She exclaimed.

"But...what?" Came Talia.

"So you're saying that she's basically a living fairy tale: A legend. Something straight out of a fantasy like Mama used to read to me so I'd fall asleep at night." Madoc asked, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Well..." Luc started, folding his arms across his chest. "Considering she's here, and she's living and breathing, I'd define that as pretty damn real."

Madoc put a hand on his hip and one in the air as he held up a finger. "Okay, in my defense, I said living."

"I-I wanna see it." Hazu said, her green eyes full of wonder. "C-Can we see you cast some magic or s-something?"

I shrugged. "Um...I don't know. I mean I could try sometime but I'm not sure if it works like that or anything."

Xiao gave a huff of annoyance, signaling that he wanted the attention focused on him once again. Once everyone's eyes were on him once again, he visibly settled and started speaking again.

"Today, I will dismiss you all back to your regular classes except for Lucian D'Ange, who will be helping Prince Scarlett learn the attribute of Sky magic. I have assigned each of you to tutor Scarlett for one day out of the week. Mr. D'Ange will be taking Wednesdays, like today; Hazuki Omori will be working with her tomorrow, Metalia Stalin will train her on Thursdays, Madoc O'Brien on Fridays, Adrian Skalanias on Sundays, Kallan Wells on Mondays, and Jian Gao on Tuesdays.This will give you an excused pass from all of your classes that day, and full credit for participation." Xiao explained. "In return, I expect all of you to be able to come up with your own lesson plans and 'homework', for practice requirements."

Luc smiled. "Well, luckily I had a plan for this, just in case things would happen anyways." He muttered to himself. I wonder what he had meant by that.

After the meeting was adjourned, I observed Luc, looking for any clues or ideas as to what he was talking about. The sad part was that I didn't know him well enough to tell. After a few minutes of walking through the halls, we arrived at what I assumed was Luc's dorm. He opened the door with his key, then looked back at me.

"Stay here." He instructed. "I'll be right back."

He went into his room. True to his word, a few minutes later he came back out with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. I was a little suspicious as to why he was carrying a duffle bag, but didn't say anything to him. Luc began moving once again and signaled to continue following him. I had a lot of time to think, due to the heavy silence between us.

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