Author's Note

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So, this is my first short story. I know it probably isn't all that short whenever you add it all together, but you know what I mean.

I'm super proud of myself, because I managed to finish a story without dropping out. This is a big deal, because this is the first ever story that I've actually done all throughout. I'm also really impressed with how it turned out, and I hope you all enjoyed it.

I know this wasn't your typical story by me–where Louis is a twink, and he goes around, fooling with men he ought not to be fooling with. But, I really love it. Me, and Earl, and the Dying Girl is one of my favorite movies/films, and I've always wanted to make a story based upon it. I know it's really similar to the movie, but I wanted to put my own twist on it.

Anyways, is there any other movie that you'd like to see me make a short story out of? I really, really, really, REALLY hoped you guys liked this.

All the love, Lou.xx

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