"What's up?" It was DJ who answered on Allie's phone.

"Do not come to the warehouse!" I urged.

"Fuck you mean?", he asked.

"We're being set up. Take the shipment somewhere."

"You're joking right?"

The guard, or imposter tapped on the widow. I looked at him but responded to my brother. "I wish I was."

"Vido's in the car behind me. I'll let him know. So where yall at?"

"At the warehouse, where else?",Allisha replied.

"I'm still heading that way. I aint gone leave yall there without backup."

"We dont need back up. We're leaving right now", I replied while putting the car in reverse.

The tints on these windows were very dark, the guy at my door wouldn't be able

to see what I was doing.

"Shit!", Allie mumbled after she looked behind her.

I looked in the rare view mirror to follow her gaze and saw that a jeep had parked horizontal behind us, blocking us in. I focused ahead of me. There was a few feet between the gate and the car. I put the car back in drive.

"You can't be serious!", Allie said.

"If you have a better idea now would be the perfect time to share it", I replied sarcastically.

I drove forward right up until there was only a centimeter left between the gate and car. I hurridly put the car in reverse before the jeep had time to play their next move. I pressed hard on the gas pedal, backing up and slamming into the jeep, causing it to move. I didn't let up, I pressed down again. I heard the sound of my tires screeching against the tar pavement. Im sure the outside smelt like burnt rubber.

I had cleared enough space to get out of the area. I put the car in drive again and pressed gas, turning the car towards the main road.

"I can't believe that worked."

"I'm a badass driver", I boasted, flipping my hair.

"Bitch shut up."

"It's the truth. Why you think I always drive and you always ride shotgun?", I laughed.

Clink. Allisha and I heard the sound of something metal hitting against our car. I looked in the rearview mirror. Two SUVs were on our tail. A few more clinking sounds were made.

"They're shooting at us!"

"Well now is the time that you be that badass driver", Allisha said.

It's a good thing Vido instructed me to take this car because it was bullet proof. I increased the speed at which I was driving at. I needed to lose these guys. The best thing was for me to get on the freeway. It would be harder for them to chase me if I were to zip in and out of traffic lanes with other cars to help me block them off.

"What do they want?", I asked.

"They probably think we have the cargo on us."

After driving on freeway for about five minutes, we didn't see any sign of the vehicles who were following us or any other suspicious looking vehicles.

"I think we're in the clear, for now."

DJ had given us an address to meet him at and we arrived there shortly. It was a dilapidated building with a few familiar looking cars parked in front. DJ and Vido walked out of the building to meet us as we got out of the car.

"What the fuck happened?" Vido exclaimed looking at the dent in the back of the car. "Yall know how much this shit cost?"

"Would you rather have a dent in your car or two dead sisters?", Allie asked.

"Yea! I did what I had to, to get out of there."

"We can discuss car repairs and whatever went down later. For now, we need to figure out where we're gonna move our inventory since people already know where we stash it," DJ said authoritatively. "The good thing about this is that the goods are stored in a safe. They may have been able to break into the warehouse but they won't get into the safe."

"Looks like people are after this new order we got. We need to make sure this is under top protection until it's sold", Vido added.

"How much is it worth?", Allisha asked.

"Two million", Vido replied.

"Im thinking bout going up on that price for all the hell this order cost us. I had to travel half way around the world for starters", DJ complained.

"I wanna see these guns", I said.

We all walked back into the building. It was empty minus some of my brothers' workers and a large opened steel crate.

I leaned over it and saw neatly packed assault rifles.

"They're CZ-805s. The 2016 models, very rare to find on black markets right now", Vido said from behind me.

"And we've got a guy who's willing to buy them all", DJ added dapping Vido.

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