"I can't say the same for him though, he really does care what you do. The second he heard you got put on the quidditch team he started writing angry letters home to his father demanding that he got put on the Slytherin team because it was only fair. Even I know his dad doesn't have that power. But he was almost guaranteed a spot next year...and so was I" I explained. "What a spoiled git" Ron muttered. Hermione had to elbow him to remind him that I was Draco's friends and I didn't appreciate his harsh words towards him. "But I'm happy for you" He added to try and lessen the blow he had hit with his Draco comment. "What position are you going to try for?" Hermione inquired genuinely curious. The two boys leaned in closer in anticipation of my answer. "I really don't know" I thought about it but couldn't come up with an immediate decision. "Your Mum was a keeper, right?" Hermione stated rather than asked. "Yeah and your Dad's a seeker" Ron exclaimed seemingly interested. I nodded to both in confirmation. "It doesn't matter what you choose I know you'll be amazing" Harry complimented and I couldn't help but blush at his sweet remark. I uttered a kind thank you in return for his sweet words. "I'd be fine with either I suppose. I don't think Ashley intends to play quidditch so I might follow in my mom's footsteps" Hermione quirked an eyebrow at me but looked back to the Hufflepuff table. Spotting my sister who was cringing away from some guy who was teasing her with a piece of squid on his fork. "Ew! Ew! Get it away!" She squealed. Hermione turned back to me and rolled her eyes. I sighed and replied simply. "See?" All three nodded simultaneously. "So~Keeper?" I inquired for their input and they all gave each other a look before responding in unison. """Keeper"""

Not long after we were headed to our own classes. I had double Charms in which normally I would've sat with Draco but for some odd reason he wasn't there. Instead of sitting by myself I decided to sit with my ever loving twin sister. "Rachel!" She exclaimed pulling my into a bone crushing hug. 'Wasn't I supposed to be the one with supernatural strength?' I shrugged it off. "Hey Ash" I greeted her. She cleared her throat lightly and gestured her eyes over to her right as a signal to acknowledge the person next to her who I had purposely ignored. "Hi Skylar" I said my voice void of any emotion. "Good to see you again Rachel, you look well" He said politely. Well, what else could you expect from a Hufflepuff. "Meh!" I shrugged in reply. That class seemed to drag on forever and to make it worse throughout the entire thing I could feel Skylar staring at me. A few times I thought about shouting at him to stop staring at me but decided against it because I'd only draw attention to myself. There was a short break before I had History of Magic, I had decided enough was enough. "Excuse us" I smiled sweetly at Ashley, grabbing onto Skylar's arm and pulling him down the hall into another corridor and then another and another and a staircase or two. "Where are you taking me?" He didn't seems shocked or worried just rather curious. I paced back and forth three times before the hidden door revealed itself. "Ayy!" Skylar cheered in amusement. I grunted in annoyance and pulled him inside.

Once I knew we were alone I assaulted him with questions. "Who are you? What do you want with me? Why do you keep staring at me? And more importantly, What's a vampire like you doing at a school like this?" I was relentless with my tone. I wanted him to know that not answering my questions wasn't an option. I was the one calling the shots here. He seemed taken aback for a moment. "Whoa! If I had known we were playing 21 questions I would've come up with some questions myself" 'Does he think this is a joke? Do I look like I'm joking around?' My eye twitched in irritation as anger boiled up inside me. I thrust my hands down towards my sides in frustration. "Answer me dammit!" I demanded, feeling an intense heat in my hands and feet. Skylar smirked mischievously, I looked down to my hands and feet to see scorch marks on the ground by my feet and small flames withering back into the palms of my hands. 'Did I do that? Did fire just come out of my hands? I can't do that, can I?' "You really are powerful" My curiosity was peaked by Skylar's words. "He said you would be. He also wanted me to keep an eye on you, make sure you were progressing well, eating...playing nice" He hinted that last part at me with a playful nudge. I growled at him in response, I was in no mood to mess around. He put his hands up defensively. "Okay, no need to go lashing out on people" I sneered at him. "How do you know him, who are you?" He just sent me a cocky grin. 'He really didn't know when to stop did he?' "It's quite simple really. We're cousins, first cousins. So lucky me, I'm the first one he runs to when he needs a babysitter for his future fiancee and might I add my future queen. Of course I'd say yes" He said all of this with a semi-cheerful tone, I say semi because the other part was mostly sarcasm.

A vampire at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now