Madison Square Garden

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Kiersten made a face and wiped the kiss off her cheek using my shirt. "Why would you do that? I don't even like you." She said grinning that cheeky smile at me. Then she kissed me, right in front of everyone.

"You're a horrible liar." I said through the kiss. She laughed into the kiss. There was a knock on the door. Zayn opened it and a short girl stood there. She looked at me, with my arms wrapped around Kiersten and Kiersten's lips pressed to my cheek. I could see it in her eyes. She was hurt. I sighed, knowing this day would come. Her name was Angelica, she had been working for us for a while and we made a habit of hooking up when I couldn't find anyone else. I called her late at night when we were on tour a lot to come to my room. I knew she had started to get feelings for me, but she was just another booty call. I had something really with Kiersten. I felt bad but there was nothing I could do about it now.

She cleared her throat and Kiersten's head shot up from where it had been resting in my neck. "I'll take you girls to your seats now."

Kiersten gave me a quick kiss and was out the door with the other girls when I grabbed her hand. "Keep the driving me crazy to a minimum for me babe? Don't want you to be distracting me when I'm on stage."

"No promises." She winked at me and headed out the door. Once they left there was another knock on the door. "Five minutes, boys!" Someone said popping their head in and then running off to do something else.

We all stood up and head back behind the stage. We wrapped our arms around each other and formed our little huddle. "Ready, boys?" Zayn asked putting his earpiece in.

"I'm nervous." I said before I could stop myself. The boys looked at me like I was on drugs. I was never nervous, ever. "What if I mess up and she hates me?"

Louis laughed, "I don't think she could ever hate you, mate." The other boys nodded in agreement.

"Well then, let's do this poo!" I said squeezing Louis and Liam's shoulders. The boys cheered and we took our places. I glanced out at the crowd I couldn't believe that I was finally performing at Madison Square Garden.

We sang our first selection of songs. I sang all of my solos right to Kiersten only breaking eye contact when I had to. She blushed a lot and it made me smile. We took a quick break and I talked to the boys about visiting Kiersten in Wisconsin and they all seemed really excited about it. They wanted to come for a week too.

We got to the portion where we each read out our favorite tweet.

Niall went first. "'Can someone other than Niall do an Irish dance?' I picked this one because I want to see it too!"

"Shall we all do it?" Liam asked looking at us. The crowd screamed. I looked at Kiersten. Her, Danielle, and Eleanor were laughing hysterically. The four of us did our best at imitating Niall's Irish dancing, while Niall watched, laughing. You could hear his laughter echo through the very loud arena.

We finished reading off our favorite tweets. Mine was asking us what the most embarrassing thing we have done in front of a girl we liked. Mostly because I knew Louis would tell the story about him dumping an entire glass of water on Eleanor on accident on their first date. Niall talked about the time that he ripped his pants in front of a girl and he had pink heart boxers on. Liam said that when he and Danielle first started dating he tripped her on accident and she fell onto a sofa in store once and everyone in the store stared at them. Zayn said he when he was in school he tried to bench press a lot of weight to impress a girl but he couldn't life the bar.

Something Unimaginable (Harry Styles/ Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now