Giggling Twitter and Melting Popsicles

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We finished our dessert and had to walk back to wear the limo was parked waiting. We stepped outside and I wrapped one arm around Harry's back inside his jacket and did the same thing with Niall with the other arm. I felt Niall tense up and then relax a little. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and Niall did the same with his arm just about Harry's.

Zayn threw his arm over Niall's shoulder and the four of us headed into the crowd. Harry and Zayn kept Niall and I safely in the center so no one could touch us. Louis and Eleanor were holding hands in front of us and Liam and Danielle lead the group. The paparazzi focused most of the attention on the two couples in front of us. Niall's face was completely serious and I didn't like it. I figured Niall was ticklish so I lightly tickled his side. He jumped and Zayn let out a loud laugh. Everyone turned to face us suddenly noticing the four of us. Niall started laughing and soon the four of us were giggling like little girls while walking. We weren't really laughing at anything in particular, maybe just each other's laughs. Everyone once in awhile someone would snort and the other three would be sent into another round of laughter. We finally reached the car and I was out of breath from laughing.

We climbed into the car and I snuggled into Harry. "We sure did give the paps a show tonight, baby."

I giggled thinking of our intense conversation, our kiss, and our weird laughter. Then I blushed hoping no one had caught my hug with Niall. I looked up at him and he was staring at me intently. We made eye contact and he blushed and looked away. He's probably thinking the same way. What would the public do when they got ahold of the picture? Write some crazy story about me cheating on Harry with Niall? I laughed at the thought. Surely, no one would believe it.

We reached Madison Square Garden and Eleanor and Danielle rushed me into Louis dressing room, slamming the door in Harry, Louis, and Liam's faces as they had tried to follow us in.

We were all fixing our hair and make-up. I figured now would be the time to ask the girls. "Do you guys think I'm a slut?"

Eleanor and Danielle laughed until the realized I was being completely serious.

"Why would you think that, love?" Danielle said playing with my hair. I looked in the mirror and looked directly at my hickey.

Eleanor laughed, "Love, everyone gets hickeys. You are definitely not a slut. If you were a slut you wouldn't be here. Harry doesn't let randoms come to shows."

"Or anywhere he can be seen in public with, really." Danielle said.

"Randoms?" I asked.

"Random girls he hooks up with." Eleanor explained putting on mascara. Not that she needed make-up.

"Great, I'm dating a total tool." I said putting my head in my hands.

Eleanor laughed again, "Aren't we all?"

"Uh, no." Danielle said looking at us angrily.

"No, you're not, Dan. You're right. Liam is definitely not a tool." I said patting her on the arm.

"Neither is Niall, but the other three. Defiantly."

"Louis, really?" I asked not so sure.

Eleanor shrugged. "You should've seen him before Eleanor came around. Probably just as bad as Harry, if not worse." Danielle said putting on a little blush.

"Wow. So you calmed him down?" I asked.

"I don't know if that's the right word." Eleanor said turning to me, "But he cheated on me once and I left. He came crawling back and I promised him one more chance and he's been very careful since. I guess that's what love does."

"Wow, I hope one day I can do that to Harry." I said

Eleanor snorted and Danielle looked at me. "Love, you already have. In four days." Danielle said smiling at me.

"You deserve a medal of honor." Eleanor said fixing my hair a little. I laughed.

"Now, lets take a picture for Twitter." Danielle said holding her iPhone out. We all smiled sweetly. Then we took another one of us all making silly faces. Eleanor and I quickly pulled out our phones to look at the pictures.


Getting ready for MSG with the girls! El and I love Kiersten already!! Xx :)

Below that was the picture of us smiling.


Our boyfriends definitely don't love us only for our looks. Lol!

Below that was the picture of us making silly faces.

I quickly retweeted and replied to both of them. Saying I loved her and El already too. And that the boys were lucky to have three pretty girls like us!

We headed back into the hallway arm in arm. We walked down to Harry's dressing room where Louis had told Eleanor they would be.

We walked into the room and Harry looked up at me and smiled.

"You girls are going to sit down in the front row." Liam said, but I wasn't really paying attention. I had been away from him for like ten minutes and I had missed him so much, it made my heart hurt. I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap. He kissed my cheek and I leaned down so I could whisper in his ear. "I'm happy I'm not just a random." I said.

Harry looked up at me surprised. "From the first moment I saw you and I was trying desperately to think of some way to talk to you I never planned on you being one." I sighed. "Your turn to say something cheesy." He said grinning at me showing off his adorable dimples. I poked them. "You make my heart melt like a Popsicle on the Fourth of July."

Harry let out a loud laugh and planted a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek.

Something Unimaginable (Harry Styles/ Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now