Chapter 7

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i ran straight to my room and started going through my cupboards throwing everything out and messying up my room. Nothing was right. All the clothes i had seemed to say either - I'm a slut come get me or don't touch me im not ready for anything. I sat down on my couch with a huff. now i was pissed. the lights flickered. i gazed up at them at confusion. then i remebered the guy i like was going to be taking me out to dinner. But then again was i crazy to like him cause

1. he some kind of magical fantasy creature thing. but then again so am i and what could be worse then vampires or were-panthers

2. he killed his last girlfriend is he trying to lure me out as another vicitm. if only i knew what he was i could protect my self... (then it click. thats why wooden stakes are prohibited at this school)

and lastly 3. is the rule here that now that i know this stuff exists is it the whole if you say anything i'll have to kill you situation.  is my life in danger??

my thoughts were disrupted when the vampires entered. "We heard about your date tonight, here" They chorused throwing clothes at me. "Do you guy know like everything that happens to me??" i said with a sigh, but i was clearly glad they found me some clothes. "Nah der havent you watch any vampire shows you know really good sense of hearing. "Are you saying that anytime now you could change into a bat and fly around the room??" I still hadn't gotten around the whole vampire thing. They both broke into laughs obvioulsy i was wrong. "No but we do drink blood, animals may not taste as nice as humans but id rather feed of the animals then feed on you, haha.  Oh and yes stakes kill us so dont have one around us. Sunlight doesn't kills us it just annoys us and yes if you chuck us in a fire we will die... wel you would too if you were chucked into a fire. " And with that they left me to get changed. 

"Iris!!!! Michael is here for you!!" i grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. i was hurrying so fast i ran straight into him. "Oh sorry i didn't see you ther-"

"Wow, Iris you look.. ah.. beautiful"

I blushed bright red. i looked behind me to see nearly all the girls in my dorm staring at us. " Ah lets go"  i grabbed michael and pulled him towards the front door. We signed out of the school and walked towards the restraruants. "Are you sure you don't want to take a taxi?" He asked me. " No lets take our time and savour the moment." i smiled and linked my arm in his and we continued to walk. 

We were walking down a dark and mysterious alleyway together , it was an common short cut used by many students, when a car stopped at one end of the alleyway and shone it's lights on us. Michael grabbed me and shoved me behind him. We turned to go out the other side of the alleyway when anither car stopped blocking off the other way. I saw people getting out of the cars. "Some of your friends??" I asked Michael. I was clinging onto him. "No, i wouldn't say friends." He grabbed me and covered me up as if he was trying to protect me.

A voice came from one of the people. "Come now Michael, hand her over and don't do anything foolish. we know all your tricks."  

"No, your not going to have her like you got Alexis"

"Alexis??" i muttered. I was pushed closer into Michael as all the people came closer. Somewhere from behind i felt someone grab Michael. I cried out trying to stay with him but someone else grabbed me and pulled me away. I kicked and screamed. I could hear Michael yelling for me. The cars lights flickered then smashed. I continued to scream and kick in the darkness. The person holding me was strong. I was shoved into the back seat. My head hit something and eveything went black.

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