Chapter 8

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i woke up as i was thrown onto a hard floor. It felt like cement. i lowly opened my eyes and looked around. the room was dark and lit up only by candle light. There was a chair up on a ledge with someone sitting on it i heard a voice "This is her, sire" i could sense other people in the room. "Bring her forward." I was dragged towards the chair. A candle was placed near my face, illuminating it. 

"So this is the chosen one. Are you sure this time?, we don't want to make the same mistake as the last one" The voice from the chair said. "Your name child?"

"Iris," I stuttered, "I'm not who ever this chosen one is"

All the people in the room start to chant -

The power of light, is controlled by the one ,who will bring shadows across the land, fear her, death will follow her, where ever she goes, the side shes on the side will win

"you see the controller of light will win the side she's on. You must be on my side, i will win no matter what." The voice said, " Prove she's the one"

A man came over to me and i looked up at his face. i was shocked when i saw who it was.

"Dimitri!!!!" i yelled out in shock.

"Its defiantly her, i've seen the lights flicker when shes upset or angry." Dimitri said.

"No Dimitri, please no!!" I begged him. he grabbed a knife and brought it towards me. I was crying. He started to cut into my arms. The cut burned. I cried out and the candles around the room blew out. 

"She is the One." the voice said as the people around started to relight the candles. i was thrown down. "Dimitri, as your work has been good, your reward is, she is your responsibilty. You own her , you may do what you like with her but do not kill her, we need her."

"Thank-you, sire" Dimitri bowed and grabbed me and pulled me down a tunnel i hadn't seen before. 

"Why, Dimitri, Why? Why are you doing this to me" The lights in the tunnel flickered as i sobbed. He didn't reply, he just turned a corner and dragged me into a room and locked the door behind him.

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