Chptet Fawrt!!!4444!!44

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Chptet Fawrt!!!4444!!44

i twerked down the hallway ninja style with my stolen fire extinguisher. I didn't know why, but I felt like acting like a ninja. Who knew, I could've been a ninja in the future. I had to sharpen my skillz like a sharp swagbae i totes was lol.

i finished up my last twerking dance move, got up off the floor, and peeked around the corner of the hallway. apparently by some witch's sorcery, i had ended up in the great room with all the one direction statues from before. only, it was much more different than before. from the previously empty room except for the statues, there stood a large mahogany dining room table in the center. the cooks had made sure to pile it high with all sorts of tasty food.

my eyes glazed over like the dead pig on the table. "foooood!" i murmured, saliva dribbling down the side of my mouth. it gathered in a puddle on the flawlessly, eye-hurtingly spotless marble white floor. i rubbed my stomach while patting my head, and made a beeline for the table.

the food was so gr8, i r8 8/8 for each triangular pl8 m8. idk, i guess zayn had a thing for them. i aXed them about it, but harry just shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes in zayn's direction. "we dont question it, curious george. we go with the bloody flow. ya, we don't get too bloody much in each other's bloody grill here, bloody luv."

i completely ignored the fact that i'd broken down about ten minutes ago physically and mentally, completely an emotional wreck from the way one direction had kidnapped me. i sat in the chair beside harrys n got my own triangular plate of food beside the triangular prism-shaped salt shakers. i didnt want to eat dinner with my kidnappers, but i was quite hungry. i hadn't eaten since lunch before the concert... and that was about 3 days ago, taking into account the amount of time it took to get all the way from new york to britain by car through the ice bridge connecting alaska to russia. it was a gr8 8/8 roadtrip m8, but i dont h8, i appreci8 and will probly don8 to the local charity in the near future bc it's f8 and is also gr8 fr da children. i mean, if I don't don8 someone will probly die. maybe sumone by the name of Magren. i dunno. honestly it was a complete guess. or Tayanta. getting strong Tayanta vibes lol. or, you know, it could be a Tesavata. Crap, what if all three of them died? That leaves us. The better alternate versions. We were destined to rule, not them. Those savage bloody octopi hooligans.

so don8. Don't let the fish and minority of the ppl die. That reminds me: one fish, two fish , red fish, blue fish, and the minorities. That's a quote from Dr. Seuss. I mean, he probly made it up, but you know, fish are an important species. So don8. don8 for the fish. Don't let what happened to the pig we were eating happen to da fish! or the minorites! OMG! You'll regret it.

Speaking of dead pigs, I reached my fork to the plate of pig right beside the pregnancy tests (for safe-keeping, Harry said) and stabbed at the pig's eyeball at the same time as Harry. Our forks locked together as our eyes met and he gave me another one of his seductive, irresistible, suggestive winks. I died inside like the fish will if you dont don8. The feels were so overwhelming. Like serious, my ugly body was fangirling on the inside. honestly, I felt like something was dangling out of my mouth, and I realized it was my tongue. I was drooling over Harry's face again.

He must've found that attractive, because he blew a kiss in me direction. I pretended to dodge it, but me head hit the back of my triangular-shaped chair and I blacked out again. But right before I lost consciousness, I spoke three important words.

"I'm coming, Nemo!"

I almost didn't hear Harry say, "So don8, m8."

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