Chptet toe!!2!22!2!

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Chptet toe!!2!22!2!

it was a blur when i awoke btu i gto ti sorted out qwikly apprntly ai hda faynted n nao hrry stills wuz lal wrried i dide btu lol know i ddnt truthfully i was fine but no one believed me and they kept fussing over me and giving me chocolate bars like i had experienced a dementor or something idek lol. this isnt harry potter this is one direction and i should lose the great spelling so anyway basically i awoke from consciousness and harry was there miraculously i mean i guess it was the end of the concert and so harry just sat there all amused and everything at seeing a fainting girl just waking up

"waht hppned????" ai sed lal kunfusd n suhc lol

hrry loled @ mii "oi luv d u rily wnna noe???" eh sed bck 2 em

i gve hmi ai weerd luk n snrted n sed bcak 2 hrry "korse ro ai wooldnt hvae axd hrry mah teenage thug homie grl"

"mmm luv dnt u gte pu lal ni ma grlil bloke luv" hrry sed bck 2 em

ai snapped ma fngrs ni ai sassy z snap formation "uh huh grl" ai sed

ti wuz strting 2 eb or not to be that is the question a heaated argument so i did the mature thing and stopped it sharp swagbae

hrry gave em ai wcked simile "dats as kewl as da moon m8"

"ddi u jsut sass me grl k cuz ai dnt tolerate dis schizz n IM A FIRING VOLCANO!!!111!1!" ai sed felin quite dangerous using a hyperbole

"WTBloodyFudgepoops????" hrry sed

ai shrugged ma shuldrs i ddnt rily noe wat kame over em "right, right. cotinue," ai sed back 2 hrry

hrry gave em ai pzzled luk "i dink ai jsut misplld contagious mate"

ai lafed "omg ti si!1 lol"

"lets satisfy a girl's dreams, georgia rose," hrry stills sed

"lol k" i sed

n we kissed

all passionate like

our toungs where bttlng fr dominance

Thr wre elrctrc tngesils evrewore lick foyrewerks


sharp swag


right in front of everyone backstage wow okay okay

An den eh grbbded mi bootay

"u wnna luk fr mai map?" eh axed em w/ shiny eyebrows dey bee no fleek do dawg "deres lottsa treshure @ da end luv"

idk y btu ai gto lal xited!!!! "ai luv treshure!!" ai sed

hrry beemd @ dat "gr8 m8 ai r8 8/8 no h8 its f8 g8 l8 m8 lets go on a d8 @ 8 n get uh pl8 fo str8 gra8ed chese mai m8 2048. lets don8 fr da fish n da minorities m8"

"Ai ant bout dat 8, aim bout devistion & multipiing do."

"gr8 m8 lets bloodie go 2 mai bluhdey haus n ill bludde show u sum bludee math luv" hrry sed

"Dat b a wndrflll ideer!"

"Ai meen, u luk rily bludee dum aniwhey lets teech u sumfing so blokes dnt buly u luv" hrry whispered more 2 himself dan me "An wi can haz tee atferrrwds"

ai stred @ hrry rite ni dee aeees serius blackly n wisprd "i bluddy lyk tee"

hrry gave me a wald luk n sed "u noe wat?" serius blackly

i shuk mai hed nein @ hsi ansurr

"mai kat bluddy lyks tee 2 m8" hrry stills sed "Nd Ai reelli lick bluddy kats 2"

Ai gav hrry a wcked expression fo terrrr "u klil kats hrry?"

hrry put a finger on my lips, silencing me "not personally. ai..." he sighed n strted agin unkumfrtbly "i hvae sum frends no dee insaeeed"


"no" hrry still sed "tmatoes in pee"

ai lukd @ hrry "inanimate objects are supposedly ur frends???"

hrry grnnd. "ill tlel u nxt chptet luv"

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