"Untill and Unless..??"

"Untill and unless, you won't open your eyes. But you did. You came back."

There was silence for a complete minute and then Riddhima relaxed and a small tear dropped from her eye, tears of happiness as she was smiling....grinning, literally now.
"We can have our own family."

"Yes, we will have our own family, and why three? We can have ten, twenty, half a century as long as you don't lose your stamina." He smirked.

"Yeah right! Then why don't you carry a life for nine months? And then let's see who losses their stamina, first.! She said with a smirk.

Avinash chuckled "Gosh! I really missed that sassy mouth of yours. I really want to kiss you hard, right here and right now." He said, lust was visible in his eyes.

"Then do it!" Riddhima said desperately.

He smirked and moved towards her, and touched his lips lightly to hers. "Riddhima..." he breathed.

"Avi...." She grabbed his collar. He smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

She frowned "That was not what I was expecting."

"Neither was I, it's hard to control, but I don't want to break your bones or this bed."

"I'm not that fragile!" She rolled her eyes and the door knocked.

"Riddhima?" Sneha asked timidly, Avinash got up and motioned her to get it.

"Hey." Riddhima smiled.

"I need to talk to the doctor." Avinash said softly, kissed Riddhima's cheek and departed, he was intentionally giving them some personal space.

"Why were you crying?" Riddhima asked immediately the moment Avinash left.

"How do you know?" Sneha said and took a seat next to Riddhima.

"I asked the question first."

Sneha sighed, and start in narrating all the things that happened and are happening.

"I trust Gautam." Riddhima stated.

"I want to... but how can you be so sure?"

"Because I know that assh*ole. He behaves like he have a bloody cancer and you are the cancer virus that resides in him." Riddhima joked.

"Don't say like that!" Sneha gasped.

"Okay, I know that doesn't make sense But Sneha? Listen to yourself at least! You know what's your problem? You still can't disgust the fact that a man like him, a hottie, can fall head over hells with you. So you believe in every worst possible situation that can happen. You feel that you are not good enough for him and he will leave you one day. That's okay babes, my heart broke twice. I had trust issues, but I always give a fair chance to explain. There always a reason, behind everything. You just need to carefully listen and see it!" Riddhima took long breathes.

"You should not talk so much." Sneha worriedly said.

"The day, Avinash and Gautam said all those hateful words? You didn't come back home right away, while I stayed... I stayed where I was. I know I went to talk to Raj but that was only because I needed a friend, not because---- I couldn't fa----ce my own---prob---lem." Riddhima managed she was out of breathe now.

"Please, quite now!" Sneha said, worriedly.

"Confront him------- yell, cry------but don't give---up. Please." Riddhima said and smiled.

"I will, now shut up!" Sneha said and lightly squeezed her hand. "Take some rest." And on these words Riddhima smiled and drifted off to sleep.


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