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We in no way are affiliated with the views and opinions of main character, Georgia Rose, in this fanfiction. All negative and offending opinions are expressed solely as jokes and not to be taken in a serious matter by the public. All rights not reserved, as this is a fanfiction.

Much thanks to Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, Wikipedia, and the Random Facts website for their help in making this fanfiction the best it could be before its official publication. Without it, our fanfiction would have been quoteless, more plotless than now, and half as uninteresting. Their services were very much appreciated and held in the highest regard.

Upon seeing the vast majority of One Direction fanfictions and its similar plots, we grew inspired to write our own, but this time to take it farther than any lowly One Direction fanfiction has ever gone before. To do this, we put our heads together, and over 55 minutes, our fanfiction plans were complete. To keep our fanfiction within the same group as the others, we have agreed to retain some components found in other One Direction band fanfictions, such as:

• Georgia Rose, a fairly popular name in said fanfictions

• purposeful typos, grammar, and a spelling each and every Wattpadder holds a gigantic odium for

• a POV featuring a 10-year-old avid fangirl of One Direction

•kidnapping, sexual intercourse, and any 10-year-old girl's dream of shifting from free individual of America to slave-resembling property of said boy band, One Direction

• engaging in arousing activities such as fainting, licking ice statues, and watching Finding Nemo

•  hyperboles found in every line of said fanfiction

• the naivety and uneducated thinking and words expressed either verbatim through thought or cleverly articulated by the mouth

• impossible pregnancies after a couple days since the initial event

• a plot lacking of any conflicts, depth, or moral whatsoever

With this in mind, we hope you will express a potential interest in our fanfiction. We believe any One Direction story must start and end with laughter. This is why, with a volunteer test subject's participation, we have made sure our fanfiction is guaranteed laughter from the first incorrigible sentence to the last, thankful word.

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