Chapter 2

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We eventually made it to our destination, Aladdin was able to calm down and we talked a little. Turns out that, much like the old Genie, Aladdin and I got along well! Heck even Abu spoke in his language a couple of times. Anyway, Carpet landed in the Oasis and I poofed into my flight attendant costume.

"Please wait until the magical carpet has come to a complete stop. Thank you for choosing Air Genni!"

I turned into my old clothes and created then sat on a large sofa between two palm trees, while Aladdin was pacing around.

(Aladdin) - "Two wishes.....What should I wish for?"

I sighed.

"Ya know, if you want I can give you an extra wish."

He paused and turned to me.

(Aladdin) - "But, I thought you said I can only have THREE wishes?"

I shrugged.

"Yeah, well it didn't seem like a REAL wish to me, so I can make an exception."

He smiled.

(Aladdin) - "Thanks! Now what should I wish for?"

He resumed his pacing until he paused once again and turned back towards me.

(Aladdin) - "What would you wish for?"

"Me? Well it would--Nah, forget it."

(Aladdin) - "What?"

"No, it'll sound boring."

(Aladdin) - "Come on, tell me!"

I sighed sadly.


He looked at me in confused sadness.

(Aladdin) - "You're a prisoner?"

I nodded.

"Yep. See, I wasn't always a Genie. I used to be a normal human girl, with a loving family and enough friends to get me by. But, someone had the Genie before me replace him. I've been stuck in there ever since."

I gestured to the Lamp.

"When you are a Genie, you have *Turns into a godlike figure* PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!!! *Poofs into Lamp* but an itty bitty living space."

Aladdin looked upset for me.

(Aladdin) - "Oh, Genni. That's terrible!"

I exited the Lamp and stood in front of him.

"To be free again*Sighs contently* and not having to go *Poofs* Whatcha want? *Poofs* Whatcha want? *Poofs and grips the sides of Aladdins vest* Whatcha want? It would be soooo cool! To run without restrictions, to laugh without any warning, to live the life the way I want. To me, that would best all the wishes of all the treasure of all the world!--Heh, but what am I saying? Ain't like it's gonna happen anytime soon."

(Aladdin) - "What do you mean?"

"Well, apparently the only way to be free is if the current Master of the Lamp wishes me out. Obviously, the old ones just didn't care enough, so.....yeah."

(Aladdin) - "I'll do it, I'll set you free!"

I nodded sarcastically.

"Uh huh, yeah sure."

I created a gigantic smoke sign above him saying 'Liar, liar, pants on fire!' He just waved it off until it was gone.

(Aladdin) - "No, really I promise! After I use my first two wishes, I'll use my third one to set you free."

He held his hand out to shake.

"Okay, I guess it's better than nothing. *Shakes his hand* Now let's make some magic!"

I poofed next to him.

"So, what is it you want most?"

He rubbed the back of his head bashfully.

(Aladdin) - "Well, there's this girl--"

I made a buzzer sound.

"Eh, wrong! Sorry but I can't make people fall in love. It gets a little.....creepy after a while."

He sighed.

(Aladdin) - "But Genni, she smart and fun. And--and--"


(Aladdin) - "Beautiful!"

I rolled my eyes.

(Aladdin) - "She's got these eyes that just--and this hair--wow--and her smile?--ah."

I made Carpet and Abu in a romantic French setting with me dressed as some French guy smoking.

"Oui, love iz in ze air."

Aladdin sighed.

(Aladdin) - "But, she's the Princess. To even have a chance, I have to be--hey, can you make me a Prince?"

I created a recipe book that had the title of 'Royal Wishes'

"Let me see.....Frog Prince? *Brings out Prince Naveen in Frog form* No that's silly! *Poofs him back* Emporer Crab? *Brings out Sebastian* too 'under the sea'! *Poofs him back* King Of Gods? *Brings out head of Zeus* wrong! *Poofs him back* Oooh! Here it is! 'To Make A Prince', now is that an actual wish?"

(Aladdin) - "Genni, I wish for you to make me a Prince!"

I clapped enthusiastically.

"Sweet! *Turns into Fairy Godmother* Now, hold still dear. Bibbiti Bobbiti Boo! *Poofs him into a Prince, making me turn back to normal* nice! Now we are missing something, what is it? Oh yeah! Monkey! *I zap Abu into an elephant* behold, Abu the Elephant!"

Aladdin goes over to Abu, checking out his trunk.

"Hold on to your hats boys, because we only scratched the surface!"

I continued preparing and creating all needed items for Aladdin, thinking about random things as I had fun with it all.

Aladdin: RemixedWhere stories live. Discover now