Chapter 1

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----Many Years Later----

As much as it seemed that it wasn't true, it was. I was not only in Disney's Aladdin, but I REPLACED Genie! Once I confirmed that it was NOT some sort of dream or whatever, I did the only thing any rational young mature and intelligent women do. I freaked out. It was--Ugh. I shall never EVER relive that again! Anyway, I decided that since I was a part of the movie, I should at LEAST act like it. So, I gave myself the name of Genni, The Genie Of The Lamp. 'Cause I mean, think about it, does Caroline sound like a proper Genie name?



The whole place suddenly flashed red a couple of times, along with the sound of a alarm. According to my Lamp's manual (yes, it DOES have one!), it means that someone is rubbing it. Which meant show time!


I exited the Lamp in a large amount of pretty silver glittered smoke, stretching my back. I knew that Aladdin summoned me and followed how the scene should go, with my own twist of course. I grew until Aladdin, Abu and Carpet were like ants.

"OOOOOOH, GEEZ! Ten thousand years, can seriously be a pain in the neck!"

I picked up Aladdin and hung him on the wall.

"Wait a sec."

I did a ballerina twirl extremely fast, causing a tornado then stopped.

"WOO HOO! It feels great to be back! Oh, sorry! What's your name?"

I then created a microphone out of nowhere and put it near Aladdin's face. He hesitated before speaking.

(Aladdin) - "A-Aladdin."

"Aladdin! Man Of The Hour! Would ya mind if I call ya Al or Din or perhaps Laddi. You know like *Creates a poodle* Here boy! *Whistles* Come on, Laddi!"

He makes a face.

(Aladdin) - "I must of hit my head harder than I thought."

I turn into the hippie van from Cars, using his accent to speak.

"It's a conspiracy man! *Turns back to normal, causing Abu to freak out* Oh, sorry Mr. Monkey--Ah! Carpie! Haven't seen ya in a while! Give me some sugar!"

I hugged Carpet using my hands and returned my attention to the street rat. I placed my hand under my chin in thought.

"Ya know, you are a lot shorter than my last Master--actually that's pretty good he was as fat as a billion cows in summer!"

(Aladdin) - "Wait, wait a minute! I'm your Master?"

I stamped a giant red A+ on his forehead.

"Yes! He can be taught! What would you wish of me? *Turns into Arnold Schwarzenegger* The completely awesome *Turns back to normal, but with chains tied around me* Yet long contained *Creates duplicates of myself* but never duplicated. Genni, The Genie Of The Lamp! *Has duplicates throws flowers towards me, shouting 'encore!' Repeatedly* that's right ladies and gentlemen, right from the Lamp for wish fulfillment. thank you all!"

Aladdin steps closer to me.

(Aladdin) - "Whoa, whoa. 'Wish fulfillment'?"

"Bingo, three to be exact! But no way can you wish for more wishes!"

I erased most of the duplicates and created three policemen duplicates to surround him.

(Duplicate #1) - "It is a public offense!"

(Duplicate #2) - "No way fair for future Masters or the Genie herself!"

(Duplicate #3) - "No substitutions, refunds or do overs!"

I made them all disappear just as Aladdin speaks to Abu.

(Aladdin) - "Now I know I'm dreaming."

"Dude! I don't think you realize what ya got here, so let me just break it down. But please! Do not frown!"

⬆️Play the song up top⬆️

I sat crossed legged in front of Abu and Aladdin, Abu trying then failing to bring back the gold coins.

"What do you wish, Master?"

(Aladdin) - "You're gonna grant me ANY three wishes I want, right?"

I shrugged sheepishly.

"Sorta, there are a FEW things I can't grant though."

He gave me a look.

"Hey, it ain't my fault! It's a Genie thing! If you don't know that--pfft, then I'm just wasting my time."

I didn't like being tricked, so I'm gonna trick Aladdin instead. He seemed a little mad.

(Aladdin) - "What do you mean? I have the Lamp, so you should grant my wishes!"

I nodded.

"Yes, but if you don't know one of the things we CANT grant--Heh, well I'm just wasting time on a silly little boy!"

He looked VERY angry.

"Come on then, if you are SOOOO smart then what are one of these things?"

He thought for a while before answering.

(Aladdin) - "Bringing back the dead?"

"Pfft, beginner's luck! What are the other two?"

He kept going redder in anger, while thinking.

(Aladdin) - "Killing someone?"

I nodded, speaking in a mocking tone of voice.

"Good little boy! Now you just need ONE more!"

(Aladdin) - "Being immortal?"

I laughed loudly.

"WRONG! See, you are nothing but a little boy trying to be a man! Haha!"

He growled in anger before gripping the Lamp.


I poofed Aladdin and Abu on Carpet, wearing a flight attendant's outfit.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard on the magic carpet, please do not leave your limbs hanging on the sides. Thank you!"

I poofed us out of the cave, Aladdin grumbling the whole time.

Aladdin: Remixedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن