Chapter 25

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Sean , Rocky come here I think my water just broke !!

"Lily honey are you alright?

No my water just broke we need to head to the hospital now this can't be happening .

Okay let's go we can call the family when we get there theses babies want to meet there family and are not waiting . "

Rocky I will call Stormie and Mark and I will grab the stuff I will be right be hide you ."

"Okay Sean thanks see you soon . "

"Hi Stormie this is Sean I wanted to let you all know Rocky took Lily to the hospital her water broke and they are heading there now ."

"OMG is she alright ?"

"I am not sure Lily did looked scared I am on the way now as well so will you guys meet us there I know it is kinda late in the night ?"

"Yes we will be on the way i am going to get the rest of the family up now . But I don't need to they all heard me yell . See you in 20 minutes ."

"Hi can I help you Sir ?"

Yes My soon to be wife water broke and she is in a lot of pain .

"Okay follow me and we can go into birthing room 1 . How long ago did her water break ?

"It was about 30 minutes ago she was sleeping and scream for us ."

"Okay Lily I am going to hook you up now and get the doctor to come check you out ."

"Okay thanks . Rocky where is Uncle Sean at ?"

He is on the way he called the family and they are on there way as well . Baby i know you are scared and so am i we are going to be parents soon to beautiful baby's and I can't wait . "

"I know I am so ready to see our beautiful baby's as well . Hi Uncle Sean thank goodness you have come I wouldn't want you to miss this . Has anyone else come yet ?"

Yes they are in the waiting room . "

"Okay Uncle Sean . Hi doctor "

Hi Lily and Rocky so i hear that your water broke lets check you out . would you guys mind stepping outside for a minute please while I check Lily over ."

"Sure thing Doctor we will go and check on the rest of the family . "

"Hi everyone thanks for coming i know that it is early ."

Rocky it is fine Son those are our grand babies . How is Lily doing ?"

The doctor is checking her now . We are both scared , But at the same time we are both so very happy and can't wait to meet our beautiful baby's . 

Dr. Thomas do you think the baby's are alright ?

"Lily am sure they are honey you just have to keep calm and try not to push yet you are almost there I would say about maybe another 30 minutes and we will be ready to bring these baby's into the world ."

"Okay thanks Dr. Thomas , Can you send my family in now please ?"

Yes I can get them when I head down to the nurses station. 

"Rocky you guys can go in and see her now , But try not to stress her out she is already wanting to push but she can't I would say in 30 minutes then we can start . "

"Okay Dr. Thomas thank you . Everyone let's go head back to the room ."

We all walked back into the room when i stopped in my tracks having everyone banging into each other and they all looked in and saw Lily holding her stomach and sleeping .

"Aw now that is sweet there , quick someone take a photo this can go into the babies baby books ."

"Hi everyone glad you all can make it "

"Hi Lily sweetie you look tired already and I bet you are ready to meet your baby's "

"Yes I am Dr. Thomas said about 30 minutes and we can push . I am glad that I have the whole family here thank you all for coming out to share this special time with me and Rocky ."

"Sweetie there is no where else we rather be right now . Hi Dr. Thomas how are you ?"

"Hi Stormie and Mark am doing alright . Came to check Lily and it looks like we are ready to push Lily so who would you like in here with you beside Rocky ?"

"Uncle Sean would you like to stay with me as well and hold my hand like you use to when I was little ."

Yes I would thanks babygirl . 

"Wow she is very beautiful ! She looks like her mommy ."

"Rocky she has your eyes and hair and your smile . "

Congrats you guys she is very beautiful so you have guys picked a name yet for her?"

I was thinking about Roxanne Rydel Lynch what do you think Rocky?"

"Baby think that is a lovely name we can give Roxanne the nickname Roxie "

Yes we can . HI everyone I would like you all to meet Roxie short for Roxanne Rydel Lynch ."

"Welcome to the family Roxie Lynch we are your family ."

Guys she is very beautiful and she looks like you both . "

Thanks Uncle Sean would you like to hold her?"

Yes I would thanks baby girl "

"Hi Roxie am your third Grandpa it is so nice to finally hold you . You looks some much like your mama when she was born ."

"Mark would you like to hold your grand daughter ?"

"Thanks I would and you are right she does look like Lily and Rocky both .Stormie honey here you go she is a cutie . "

"Rocky do you want use to get you all anything to eat ?"

I know I could use some food and baby would you like anything ? I guess she is resting now just get her something as well I am going to put my daughter down in the crib next to Lily and walk you all out while my girls are sleeping . That sounds so weird to say my daughter . Dad was that weird for you to say when you had seen Riker for the first time?"

"Yes son it was but when you hear the first word it will melt your heart ."

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