Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wendy Wendy " charla shouts and tears started for my in her eyes "no no no this is all my fault if I didn't-"

"stop it charla it's not your fault" lily says seeing Charla cry and walked towards him and fainted but lily caught her "Charla".

"We're here" Jellal says and jump to shore even though they were far Erza did the same and the people on board freaked

"Grandine says that the flower is on top of that mountain" Erza says pointing to the top of the mountain

"Let's go" Jellal says and started walking into the forest Erza followed

Erza walked up the slippery hill and slid down slowly "damn it" she cursed and just jumped up to the edge of the cliff "should have just done that" she said and looked around

"Where's Jellal?" she said "aww come on" Erza heard a voice and hid behind a tree

"Evergreen" Erza whispered "Elfman" she said giggling and grabbing Elfman by the arm

"Woah" she said again "Evergreen hold up I can't run in this pants" he said "aww come it's adorable" she said as they walked through the forest

Erza lightly landed on the ground and stepped back stepping on some branches Evergreen turned seeing Erza she pushed Elfman into the bushes

"Erzaaa what are you doing here?" she says scratching her head it took a moment before Erza replied "mission" she replied grinning and waved goodbye weirdly and she fell down on a slope "kyaa"

"Did she just say kyaa" Evergreen wondered and remembered someone "Elfman" she said and pulled Elfman out of the bushes.

"Oh crap " Erza got up finding herself in the middle of nowwhere "ok ahh this one" she says and ran to the direction. "Oi Erza" Jellal called out trying to find the scarlet haired "Oi Lisanna hold up" Jellal stood still and hid behind the tree seeing Natsu and Lisanna running his way, "Natsu haiyaku Lucy and Gray are waiting for us" Lisanna says and pulled Natsu up the hill.

"Gajeel thank you for bringing me here" Jellal stopped and turned he hid behind the trees seeing Levi walking with Gajeel "hmm" he replied Levi slipped her hands too his and saw him blushing "ooo are you blushing?" she teased no I'm's just hot" he replied Levi laughed "your blushing ahahahaha" she says and stepped on something tripping her over but Gajeel caught her and she started blushing. Jellal felt a bit weird so he slowly crept away.

"YES I FOUND IT" Erza smirked and praised herself she looked around......... "who am i kidding I'm lost" she says on sat on a log she kept sulking not knowing that the log was moving. Jellal turned into a corner seeing Erza sitting on a moving object he saw how she perked up "Jellal how'd you get here?" she asks "I was here all the time where were you?" he asked "I was sitting on this log and then I wished that I could find you and here you are" she smiled. "Erza t-that's a lizard" Jellal pointed out Erza looked down and got off screaming "t-that thing I was on it" she says in a croaked voice.

"Uh have you seen anything unusual when we're here?" Erza asks "uh I think so I...saw Lisanna and Natsu talking about a hill, I found uh Levi and Gajeel walking in the woods" Jellal says as he leaned on a tree "huh funny I found Evergreen and Elfman they were....well pretty close" Erza says "hey is something happening today?" Jellal asks Erza looked at him "to be honest I have no idea" Erza smiled at him and he returned the smile.

They both walked up on a hill and sees the one flower swaying with the breeze "We found it" Erza laughed and ran towards the flower picking it up and putting it in a glass box she smiled and ran towards Jellal she jumped on him and they both laughed then their laugh slowly faded as their eyes met and Erza leaned down and closer to Jellal just when their lips were about to meet she stopped hearing a telepathy message from Grandine. "Erza Jellal hurry I'm afraid she's getting worse" Erza got up. "We need to go she's getting worse by the minute" Erza jumped down the cliff and Jellal got up "So close" he whispered.


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