"This is our secret. You can't even tell Moe. I will get in tons of trouble if anyone finds out so you have to keep this quiet."  says Mama while reaching for her key card.

"Yes ma'am." I say excitedly. She grins and kisses my cheek.

"Alright let's go." she says softly pushing the door open.

"Car?" croaks Mom from the bed. "Is that you?"

"Yeah Hopey it's me." quietly says Mama taking a step closer to her. "I brought someone to see you." I hear the bed creak as Mom turns over to face us.

"Julie?" she questions.

"Hey Mommy." I whisper stepping forward. "How do you feel?"

"I've been better baby." chuckles Mom before going into a coughing fit. I step back to Mama and she puts her arms around me comfortingly. "How are you feeling Princess?"

"A lot better." I say still staying with Mama. "I get to go to practice later!"

"That's good lovie." she says getting a tissue. "Car can you please get me another gatorade from the fridge?" Mama lets me go and grabs one. She opens it and carefully puts it in her shaking hands. "Thanks."

"No problem." says Mama. Mom drinks some of it and makes a funny face.

"Shit." she mumbles jumping up and running into the bathroom. Mama chases after her and I back up to the door. I hear her throw up and turn away from the bathroom so I don't have to see. They both walk out a few minutes later and Mom gets some clothes from her bag to shower. "Baby I think it's time you go back to your room."  I nod and blow her a kiss before rushing out of the room and down to mine. Gross gross gross! Not too long after I ran out someone knocks on my door.

"Mommy says she's sorry she got sick and that she loves you very much." says Mama holding out my electronics to me. "She also thinks that you've earned these back." I smile happily and take them back. I immediately glue my eyes to my phone and start to check all my notifications. Mom did text Zach, thank goodness, and she replied to all my business emails and text for me. "JB, honey, can I at least get a kiss goodbye?"

"Oh sorry Mama!" I say startled. I honestly forgot she was still in here. I quickly kiss her cheek and go back to my phone. I hear the door shut later making me jump and look around. I shrug and go back to snapchatting people.

Mallory's POV

"Mal come here!" motions Christie from the other side of the dining room. I excuse myself from Kling and Pinoe and walk over.

"Hey Cap! What's up?" I ask with a sweet smile.

"Christen says you're struggling with your school work." she tells me making me turn a little red from embarrassment. I didn't think she'd tell everyone! "How about you bring your math down to lunch today and I'll see what I can do alright?"

"Thanks." I mumble trying hard to not let my smile falter. I'm going to kill Chris when I see her. Now everyone is going to think I'm stupid.  As I go back to my table I keep my head down. I accidently bump into someone and try to just go around them, but they grab my arm.

"Mally are you okay?" My eyes pop up at the nickname to meet the one and only Christen Press'. I glare at her and pull my arm away. "Mallory what's wrong?" she asks softly trying to touch my shoulder, but I move away again. She looks around to see if anyone is watching before stepping closer to me and lowering her voice, "Mallory Diane, what is going on with you?"  I growl and keep my eyes locked with hers. She crinkles her eyebrows and checks around us one more time before taking me by the bicep and leading me to the hall way. She lets me go and puts her hands on her hips. "You have one more chance to tell me what's up or so help me I'll-"

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