It's Only ↣ Chapter 28

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Shirts, shorts, sneakers, socks, underwear, bras, lotion, deodorant sandals, and bug spray. I check off my mental list as I browse through my tote, looking at all of the things that I packed. Today is the day that we leave to go on our camping trip, mom was really excited to know that I am getting out of the house to have some fun. I asked Caleb if he wanted to join us but I keep forgetting that our Spring Break isn't the same as College break. Tobias is coming to pick me up with Zeke and Uriah in his truck. We are riding down in pairs so it would be easier to have everything at once.

I go to the bathroom and fix my black nose ring that goes with my outfit, I pull my hair into a ponytail, cursing at the baby hairs that fell out. I hear the front door opening and I can't help but to smile as I hear the familiar voice of my boyfriend, I throw my bag over my shoulder and run down the steps quickly, slipping on the last step, making me launch myself in Tobias' arms, "Hey," I whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek.

"Hey." He whispers back with a chuckle of his own.

"Alright love-birds! Get out of my house," Mom says walking out of the kitchen, holding a bowl. I check my neck for my father's necklace and smile when I feel the metal of the heart touch my palm. "I hope you have a good time and come back in one piece." She jokes pressing a kiss to both of our heads.

"Let's go!" Tobias lifts me up bridal style making me squeal, I bid my goodbyes to my family before Tobias is running out of the door towards his running Hummer. He helps me inside and Zeke and Uriah pop out from the back making me jump, idiots.


"Make a left turn in 200 feet." My phone says as Tobias drives on the highway to the camping grounds. This car ride has consisted of horrible singing and amazing snacks. Christina texted me earlier and told me that Will and the girls including her and Al were there already, setting up the tents. "Your destination will be on the right." Tobias drives slowly on the path and I give him further instructions to our private area. Even though none of our friends have that amazing house that their family owns in the woods, we were able to cop a good area that is secluded from other campers.

"This is going to be so fun." Uriah says with an voice full of bewilderment as he see's the large lake that stretches for miles. There is a nice area where we can camp up and cook food, while still being close to the lake. It's amazing and I wouldn't mind living out here, I always loved the wilderness. It's something about being away from people and just listening to the sound of crickets at night.

Tobias parks the Hummer beside the other cars and we get out, "The party has just begun!" Zeke jokes as we walk to the back, greeting everyone. Tobias grabs the tent while Uriah grabs the bag of food and I grab my back of clothes.

"Glad you could make it." Will says pointing the hammer at us and goes back to hammering nails into the ground and Al helps them. "We are currently putting up our tents if you can't tell."

"Yes, William." I nod my head jokingly, "I can tell." Before either one of us could say anything, Christina lets out a scream of frustration and sprays the air and herself with bug spray.

"This was all of your ideas." She points at us. Scratching her skin.

"Yes, and it's a great idea! I can't wait to go swimming." Marlene gushes and I shiver in disgust. I love nature, I just don't want to get in the lake and come out with leeches on my legs, it looks pretty clean from here though. 

"I can't wait for the burgers." Zeke grunts as he helps the rest of the guys take the grill out of the trunk of Will's old pickup truck. "Hey, where's that Al guy?" They set the grill down on the dirt ground and Tobias goes back to Will's car to get the propane out of the trunk. 

"He is over there setting up his tent." Christina shoots a glare at Zeke's loud voice. I roll my eyes at him and walk over to Al, jumping over a large tree trunk. 

"Hey Al!" I say in a cheerful voice, placing my small hand on his broad shoulder. 

"Hey Tris, thanks for inviting me." He drops the hammer and embraces me in a hug. I hug him back, hearing someone clear their throat behind me. I know it has to be Tobias. I pull away from his embrace and shoot Tobias a glare. 

"Al, you know my boyfriend right? Four." I say. 

"Oh yeah, nice to meet you Four." Al sticks his hand out to greet him for a second time. Tobias hesitates for a moment before he claps hands with Al and shakes it. Al pulls back his hand and shakes it in air, wincing. 

"Tris, I don't mean to interrupt, but, I wanted to ask you where do you want to setup the tent?" 


The cool water of the lake flows in between my toes, I look down into the clear water, seeing the reflection of the sunset in the water, the smell of charcoal meeting the senses of my nose. We've been here for less than 5 hours and I already don't want to leave. I love the way the wind breezes through my hair, the way the birds caw above my friends and I. I love it. 

"Dinner's almost done, those idiots didn't know how to start the grill." I hear Tobias say as he plops down beside me and casts his arm around my shoulders, planting a kiss on my cheek. "What's wrong." 

"Nothing." I say pulling my legs up to my chest, relaxing in my boyfriend's arm. "I just like to relax for once."

"Nothing wrong with that." Tobias sighs, looking into the horizon seeing the sun slowly hide behind the lake. I am so fortunate to have someone like him, he's my soulmate, my bestfriend, my boyfriend. I feel for my father's chain and smile when I feel the cool metal against my fingertips, I glance up at Tobias and I press a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. My dad always told me to find someone who completes me, and I found him. He keeps me sane but drives me crazy in all different ways. Our relationship is more than kissing and having a label, it's something deeper than that, it's love and being together. 


I changed the cover for like the tenth time. I really like this one, and I did it to myself. Kudos to me!! Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this story! I am. 

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