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Ok, so even I managed to confuse myself with ages and times, so this is an explanation to help clear the air for me and whoever else is completely lost.
Currently, these are the ages of the characters (when Delirious escaped and officially met Vanoss)
Delirious- 28 years old
Vanoss- 23 years old
Wildcat- 23 years old
Mini Ladd- 22 years old
MooSnuckle- 29 years old
Cartoonz- 28 years old
Terroriser- 27 years old
BasicallyIDoWrk-  25 years old
Daithi De Nogla- 23 years old
Lui Calibre- 25 years old

So Vanoss and his gang escaped the lab 4 years before Delirious did (I changed it)

2 years after escaping is when they met Terroriser, who escaped before meeting the older gang, like Cartoonz and them. He was 25 when he met everyone (excluding Delirious)

Delirious was 20 when he first met Cartoonz, Lui and Basically. He still wasn't a full blown hybrid, but had been in the lab since he was 16.

When Delirious and Vanoss first met unofficially, Vanoss was 19, and escaped months later, while Delirious was 24.

These are the ages of the Vanoss Crew when they escaped (minus Delirious who was trapped and Terroriser who they met later)
Vanoss- 19 years old
Wildcat- 19 years old
Mini Ladd- 18 years old
MooSnuckle- 25 years old
Cartoonz- 24 years old
BasicallyIDoWrk-  21 years old
Daithi De Nogla- 19 years old
Lui Calibre- 21 years old

Delirious met Hazel 1 year before he escaped with her help.
Somebody asked about what everyone's hybrid is, so here is a refresher.
Vanoss- Owl
Delirious- Raccoon
Daithi De Nogla- Dog (Pit Bull)
Terroriser- Grey Wolf
MooSnuckle- Bald Eagle
Lui Calibre- Monkey
BasicallyIDoWrk- Monkey
Mini Ladd- Fox
Wildcat- Pig
Cartoonz- King Cobra (Snake)
I think that's everything unless I missed some confusing parts, so let me know in the comments, and I will edit this part explaining anything I forgot, left out, or what you found confusing.

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