[0] Prologue

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Glenn has a secret.

"Glenn, you feeling alright?"
While there was a certain curiosity to her voice, Glenn could tell she meant it in a lighthearted way. She wasn't all that concerned, not really. It was just friendly intrigue, not a detection of something being off. Good. She shouldn't be worried. He shouldn't be either. He shook off the thoughts weighing heavy in his mind as best he could.

"Yeah yeah, I'm great! Just... probably dehydrated, I guess. C'mon," He nodded her onward, continuing with her to the back of the store.

A studious silence fell between the group as they scouted through the rows that had been for the most part picked clean by people who had beaten them to the punch.

Glenn has a secret.

"Dehydrated, huh?" Tara's soft voice carried to his ears, though she was now on the other side of the store, half-way down another isle and practically out of sight.

"Hmm?" He hadn't really been paying attention, just grazing through the half-empty shelves instead of focusing on finding what they'd come in for. He looked up from the misplaced box of dryer sheets he'd apparently zoned out staring at.

"Head's up!" Tara called, her face visible only seconds before he realized she'd thrown something at him. He caught it, but barely. Why did everything feel like slow-motion?

"Nice, Tara! ...Thanks!" He couldn't even talk at a normal pace! Damn it! He opened the bottle of water she'd tossed him, drinking from it despite knowing it wouldn't make matters any better. Fastening the cap back onto the bottle, he looked back up to her. "Find any more?"

"A whole case of them!" She beamed, proud of her discovery. She turned to the front of the store, drawing the attention of the other two."Hey, you guys thirsty?"

Glenn has a secret.

It happened again. 

It happened again.

"Glenn, I've gotta say, you're not looking too good."
Pulling the bottle down from his lips, Heath chuckled in agreement.
"Yeah man, Eugene's right. Looks like you just saw a ghost."

It happened again.

I'm Still Here | Glenn Rhee | TWDWhere stories live. Discover now