The End

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"Hey (Y/n)..?" 

You turned to the red-head, your cheeks burning. You were completely unable to look him in the eyes, so instead settled for fidgeting awkwardly and staring at the ground. The setting sun cast a warm glow on the two of you, setting a romantic atmosphere. 


He moved closer to you, locking eyes with your shocked ones. He scratched the back of his neck, clearly wanting to say something but unable to speak. 

"I... I-I'm sorry about earlier... I did it without thinking..."  

Your heart fell a little. Did he not want to..? You stared up at him, a little hurt showing on your face. He immediately grabbed your shoulders, looking slightly startled. 

"N-no no! I didn't mean that! I mean, I wanted to!"  

His face turned the same colour as his hair as he rambled on, making you giggle. A sudden wave of confidence washed over you as you grabbed his hand, staring at him shyly. He stared at you, hiding behind his hair.  

"Nathanael... It's okay... I-In fact... I liked it..."  

You felt his hand tense up a little before he squeezed yours. He stared down at you, staring at you shyly, his face like a tomato.


You pulled his arm, dragging him with you towards the park. He stared at you, blushing as the warm glow of the sun lit up your soft features. He fidgeted with the pendant you'd made for him, blushing at the memory. You sat him down on the bench, taking a seat next to him. The two of you stared down awkwardly, the tension growing between you.


His voice was no more than a whisper, and his hand rested on your thigh gently. Your cheeks burned, remembering the time when he'd done this before.


He slipped onto the floor, holding your hand in his. Your eyes locked onto his, getting lost in the deep ocean. The look he gave you was one of passion and desire, but still innocent in his own charming way. Your heart pounded in your chest, any louder and you were sure he would hear it.

"W-whether I'm the Evillustrator or not... I want to always be your hero,"

His eyes never left yours, the spark of determination flickering behind the turquoise sea.

"What I'm trying to say is... I'm in love with you, (Y/n)..."

You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand. Had he really just confessed to you? He scratched the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly.

You jumped from your place on the bench down into his arms, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You threw your arms around his neck, shocking the older boy. Hesitantly but not reluctantly, he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in warmth. You felt safe in his arms; as if nothing could ever touch you. You could smell the familiar smell of his clothes welcoming you as you pressed yourself against him.

"I-I love you too Nath..!"

Tears if pure joy spilled down your cheeks, but you didn't care. He pulled you closer to him, one hand resting on your waist, the other on your back. His face was buried in your shoulder, your face burning when you felt his warm breath on your neck.

"Hey mister! Is that your giiiirlfriend?"

The two of you looked up to see a trio of young children, all staring at you with gleaming eyes. You both blushed, you making incoherent noises.

"Yes..? Yes she is..."

You glanced up at Nath, who smiled at you adorably. You waved to the children as they giggled and ran back to their parents.

"So you two are finally together, huh?"

Nino, Adrien, Marinette and Alya smirked at the two of you, clearly amused by your flustered faces. You rose to your feet, glaring at the group and pouting.

"Don't look at us like that! Besides, we helped you didn't we?"

You sighed in defeat, giggling slightly.

"Yes... Yes you did~"

Your face turned crimson as you were lifted off your feet and pulled into Nath's chest.

"Thanks you guys... Well I better take my Princess home~"

You held onto your tomato's shoulders, trying not to be embarrassed by the hyper squeals of Marinette.

Your hero brought you home, letting you down and onto the doorstep. You smiled sweetly, giving him a quick hug.

"See you tomorrow then Nath~"

He returned the smile and hug, not letting go of your waist after you pulled away. Your eyes widened as he cupped your cheek, caressing the side of your face with his thumb. Your eyes fluttered shut as he leaned down slowly, his warm breath on your lips. Your hands rested on his chest, feeling his heart pounding in sync with your own.

His soft lips pressed against yours once again, heat radiating from the two of you. This time it was longer and with more passion, but still as sweet as ever.

You would have happily stayed like this forever, but all good things have to come to an end.

"See you tomorrow, (Y/n)~"

And with that, he left, leaving you dazed and flustered. Smiling to yourself, you walked back inside your house.

Oh how you looked forward to the rest if your life with Nathanael~

Miracle Paint (Nathanael x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now