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Hi guys just to say this chapter is dedicated to falloutlover398

The people grew closer and louder by the second. Four men appeared from behind the thick, rousy bushes and instantly bullets were fired and soon they were down though it resulted in Wilson's death. I taken back my first views of him and we all hung our head at our loss.'' They know where we are now and it won't be too long until they find are coordinates, I say we split up. Meet at the end of the forest," merrick suggested." All in favour of merrick's idea," he said as everybody shot their hand up." I say we go in threes... we'll cover more ground that way," I exclaimed as everybody got into threes: me, hesh and Keegan and merrick plus the two soldiers while kick coordinated our resources and positions. I cleared the entwined tangled leaves to make a more easier path to walk through.

Hesh's pov:

Hours passed. Maybe days for all I knew. It was quite... nothing could be heard except the crackle of crunched leaves being lightly stepped upon and the constant whistle of chorusing birds as we crept further into the forest. The bushes shivered horrendously and as the three of us whipped around somebody emerged from the shadows. Shaggy hair draped over his face with an overgrown beard, holding an ak-12. Logan. No, it couldn't be." Well, well... who do we have here, little hesh. I've been wondering when our next meeting would be," he snarled." They've brainwashed you, twisted everything inside you," I said, waiting for a response. Instead he reloaded his gun and then started to fire shots. I rolled behind a wall and then fired. The bullets peirced through the cotton covering him and struck him hard in the head. He was dead.

It was the worst feeling ever, the dread that consumed inside me made me vomit and I slipped down the wall, my eyes already stinging from the tears. Jorden and keegan stared at me, trying to look sorry...

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