Rorke finished pt1

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Jorden's pov:

This was it. The day we stopped rorke. The day he disappeared from this earth. I held my USR at the ready. I was providing sniper support to the squad. And in my other hand was the detonator for the C4. Was it the solution to stopping rorke once and for all.
" Oi, drop out of dream world and focos... 3 tangos up ahead. Send them asleep," merrick commanded. I accurately shot all 3 of their heads. The recoil on this was sweet." Right guys, move out." I moved to yet another covert sniping possession. A large group of tangos awaited. I shot the 2 snipers on the tower in silence.

" Get down here... we need support I repeat we need support," hesh shouted. I took out my rappel, hooked it to the bridge and flew down. I was given a ripper." Yeah baby," I cried, swithing to AR mode and firing rapidly. We carried on in.


It felt like we had been walking for decades but I know it was only 5 mins because my watch said so. Then we came to a door. " Try hacking the system, keegan," I suggested." It has been shut down," keegan replied, shaking his head. Instaneosly," the tv screen blarred and upon came rorke himself." 5 courses await you before you can even lay hands on me. Now for your first task, once I open this door, you will have to try and get through chains. Use teamwork but the person left will surely die." We all took a minute breather before going in. Saws and chains and metal wires were snapping so voilently, brandished like a sword. And in between was set 3 platforms." When the chains rivel back jump," hesh said. I went first and did excactly as he said. I felt the horrific blades peirce and rip my clothes." Holy crap," I shouted. One by one we made it over with perseverance. Now merrick was left in the middle. It was the most tragic death in 'ghost' history. The blades peirced through his head and spiral area. His limbs were spilled out upon the platform. We had lost one ghost but in return they would lose one of theirs. Rorke.

I really hope u lurved that. there is about 2 chapters left so pls drop a like and check out my other story bullied.

call of duty: ghostsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora