"No. Thats what you want to do. Not me Jade." i said brushing past her and moving into her kitchen. She has like a big pent house which is wierd because she said that it was and audition. Its not like they were paying her. Maybe this is just her stay for a while. I honestly dont want to ask any questions.

"Do you want to dance. The dancing studio is closed so there's noone in there." She walking over putting her hands in the air suggesting i should. "Come on. It could be like old times and you can get your mind off he who shall not be named." She said wiggling her eyes at her cheeky commeny. I knew who she was refering to but I dont want to even think about it. "It was your way to get your mind off of anything and i know that for sure.''

I huffed. "Fine." I grabbed my purse and a water bottle. Walking towards the mirror, i checked to see if i was in the right attire 'cause i honestly dont want to change. I nodded at my look and headed off.


"Maria By Justin Bieber." Jade said putting in the cd. She jumped hearing him singing. I nodded my head catching the beat one by one. (AN: Its really hard trying to explain her movements show just imagine them dancing:-))

The dancing really did make me forget about........you know what, let me just not go there. "Thanks Jade for bringing me here.'' I said breathing heavily as we got in the car.

"No prob." She said cockily, wiggiling her eyebrows.

The taxi driver kept on staring at the back of the car at both of us. He would always smile or laugh when he looked at me. I didnt know if i should've asked him if something was wrong with him. I knew he wasn't mental, but its just wierd and uncomfortable. He suddenly coughed and i sighed deeply getting frustrated with his actions.

"Do you think you can sing for me." He finally spoke. Wait what did he just say? He wanted me to sing for him? I dont think so. I looked at him in disgussed. "Oh know not that way. My girlfriend is a big fan of yours and i just wanted to record it and send it to her.''

''Well, aren't you just a lovely boyfriend.'' I mumbled. The driver was our age. Close i believe. We were at a red light and he was still waiting for my response. He seems to stubborn to let go. I guess i have no choice.

"Okay. I'll just do a cover of a song. Is that alright with you?" I questioned. He nodded quickly.

 I like to say we gave it a try

I like to blame it all on life

Maybe we just weren’t right

But that’s a lie, that’s a lie

And we can deny it as much as we want

But in time our feelings will show

Cause sooner or later

We'll wonder why we gave up

The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough

So close to being in love

If I would have known that you wanted me

The way I wanted you

Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart

But right here in each others arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was

But almost is never enough

If I could change the world overnight

There'd be no such thing as goodbye

You'll be standing right where you were

We'd get the chance we deserve

Try to deny it as much as you want

But in time our feeling will show

Cause sooner or later

We wonder why we gave up

The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough

So close to being in love

If I would have known that you wanted me

The way I wanted you

Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart

But right here in each others arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was

But almost is never enough         

 I breathed out the ending. A big smile spread on the mans face.

"Thank you so much." he said.

I gulped down trying not to cry when i thought of Zayn throughout that song. Jade rubbed my shoulders already knowing i was thinking about him.  The man didnt seem to notice. These people honestly dont care whats going on in our lives. There so blind.


I plopped down on the bed watching tv with Jade and a bucket of Ice cream. We were watching the chatty man. He was so funny. I could die of laughter just because of him. He's so crazy. I never stop laughing when I watch this.

''Alright boy and girls. The ones you've been waiting for. The boys. One direction.  I frowned. Jades face was gob dropped.  Why am i not suprised by this.

AN: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry this was a sucky chapter. not alot of zemma love. but honestly who doesnt love the chatty man. hes hilarious!!!!!!!!! I really never stop laughing. comment vote

All love to One DIRECTIONERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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