Chapter 14

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Cecil POV

I watch Crudele slither away with wide eyes. So that's what her animagus form is, now why didn't she want me to know? My mind buzzes with activity and I don't even notice Malfoy come up behind me. He lays a hand on my shoulder and I spin around, already reaching for my wand. He backs up, lifting his hands, "woah." I blink, trying to focus my thoughts. "W...what do you want, Malfoy?" I stutter, remembering our earlier fight, and him kissing me. He glances cautiously at my wand, now raised in my right hand. "I just thought you might want to know, you're a pretty good kisser, for a first year," he says, blushing slightly. I roll my eyes and put my wand back into my pocket. "Better not let your parents hear that," I say, turning away. "Well, actually, my parents have been trying to find a pureblood witch to set me up with," he replies, striding after me. "I thought maybe I could suggest you, give you some Malfoy fame and fortune." I stop in my tracks and turn to stare at him. "You think I'd ever want that? The first time I met you you called me a mudblood and a blood traitor," I retort angrily. Malfoy sneers, "we'll see what you have to saw about it after your little mudblood friend betrays you." I fight to control the raging phoenix in me as he turns and stalks away. If I give away that I'm an animagus, they'll find out my whole family are and Mum'll kill me.

Crudele POV

The drain pipe is slimy, covering my beautiful scales in moments. I hear the two boys and the idiot teacher ahead of me as I move around to go faster. The pipe ends and I get launched into the air, spinning to land lightly. My head bangs against something and my body shifts back to my human form. I stand up shakily and rub my forehead, staring ahead of me. Although the tunnel is dark, I can see the others not far ahead of me. Without a second thought I start after them, changing shape between steps so that I'm slithering through the muck. The three idiots don't move fast, making it easy for me to catch up and Slither silently around their feet. Harry has his wand up, eyes narrowed, and I resist the want to end his troubles. Ron follows behind Harry, his broken wand pointed at Professor Lockhart. The trio stops as a giant snake skin comes into view and I revel in the size of my master. After a moment they continue on, this time with me in the lead. I spin around right as the professor points Ron's broken wand at the two boys, obviously trying to look sure of himself. They exchange words, but I don't hear what they say. A powerful force pulls at me, urging my reptilian body farther down the tunnel. I don't get far before Professor Lockhart attempts to cast a spell, making the tunnel roof collapse. My body instinctively curls up in the shadows as I scan the darkness for Harry. Ron calls something through the wall of rock and a moment later Harry starts down the tunnel again. I follow quickly, sensing the nearness of the King Serpent, the Basilisk. I laugh to myself the idiots at this school don't even know the Basilisk has been living down here, and yet I knew from the first time I shifted forms here! We come into a large chamber and a shudder runs down my spine as Harry rushes to the little redhead twit. "Great Father, I have come to assist you," I hiss, right as a young boy starts talking to Harry.

Cecil POV

After Malfoy left I returned to the Hufflepuff common room, seething silently at Crudele. Not many people are about, most in the dormitories, packing up the rest of their possessions. With a few quick but well-thought words I send the rest of them on their way, leaving myself space to contemplate things. Unable to grasp anything clearly, I let in the eagle, slowly and cautiously. Feathers sprout all over my body, my arms swiftly changing to beautiful wings, my legs turning into deadly talons. I watch the entries to the dorms as I fly lightly around the common room, tasting the freedom my family has always been denied. I land on the back of one of the arm chairs, tucking my wings in neatly and crouching. So Crudele's a snake, what else has she decided best I not know?

Crudele POV

I slither around the Weasley girl while my master attempts to kill the boy who lived. My eyes flash whenever Harry steps to close, my jaws parting. The other boy, Tom Riddle, more commonly known as Voldemort or You-Know-Who, watches idly, glancing my way occasionally. "My lord, why again is it that I'm not allowed to kill this girl?" I hiss, my fangs thrumming with rarely used venom. "Her life is being transfered, young snake, and I need it all. However, once this boy has been dealt with, perhaps you can accompany me in taking over the wizarding world," he replies, still watching the glorious Basilisk and Harry. I change my course, sliding smoothly atop the girl's chest and curling up, feeling her heart gradually slowing. I slip into a doze until I hear my great master and king cry out. Without a moments hesitation, I whip up the Basilisk's back, over his head, and into the air to strike at the vile phoenix. The bird caws loudly as I wrap my tail around his leg, dangling below. With the Basilisk now blinded, Harry now attacks the great snake with a sword he somewhat acquired. The phoenix spins around violently, sending me swinging this way and that. I keep my hold, making sure the stupid bird can't attack the great Basilisk again. Just as the bird does a wild flip young Harry Potter thrusts the sword threw the mouth of my amazing king, killing him. Shocked, I loosen my grip and drop to the floor of the chamber, head banging against the hard stone as I momentarily black out.

Sole POV

My head spins as I try to focus on something, anything. I feel something being poured down my throat. My chest heaves as the liquid takes effect. Panting, I blink my eyes slowly. I can hear others being treated as well as I bend my stiff arms and legs. "Wha....what happened?" my voice shakes when I talk and my head aches as I pull myself into a sitting position. Madam Pomfry hurries back towards me, pushing me back down. "Take it easy, you've been petrified. You'll be going home in the morning, you'll be fine," she says before hurrying to another of the beds. I lay back down and close my eyes, trying to figure out what was going on. Instead, my mind goes blank and I slip into a deep sleep.

Crudele POV

The first thing I'm aware of when I come to is that I'm no longer in my animagus form. The next is that I'm in a bed. My head throbs but I ignore it, lifting myself onto my elbows gently. Cecil sits on a chair next to me in the dark, head on her chest and snoozing lightly. When I lift my hand and touch her shoulder, she jerks awake instantly. "Oh Crudele, thank God. I'm so glad you're fine," Cecil whisper-scrsams, hugging me tightly. Over her shoulder I see Sole sleeping peacefully on a bed identical to the one I'm in. "The Basilisk, Harry, the Weasley girl..." I start, trying to remember what happened. "Don't worry, the Basilisk is dead," my friend soothes and my lungs constrict. "Harry killed it with the sword of Gryffindor. After Fawkes saved him from the Basilisk's poison he found you on the floor, unconscious. He brought you and Ginny out, along with the help of Ron. What were you doing down there?" Cecil finishes filling me in quickly. I shake my head. "I can't tell you. But I can tell you this: I'm transferring to Hogwarts, whether my mum likes it or not," I reply, laying back down.

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