Chapter 9

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Crudele POV

I'm watching a strange creature sneak up on Sole. "Mum! Dad!"I yell, terrified. The thing came out of the woods, and looked at me curiously, before talking to my brother. I can't hear what its saying, but Sole looks scared. I scream for our parents, but no one comes. Then the creature jumps at Sole, snarling. My big, strong brother thrashes, steaming in pain. Before I can run at the thing hurting him, Uncle Amore grabs me and hands me to dad. He pulls out a long, thin stick and says some words. The creature looks up, eyes wide in fear, and backs away, back into the woods. Sole is covered in blood and mum's kneeling next to him. Uncle Amore walks over and lifts him up....

Thump! I blink open my eyes and see someone in the dark. I'm crying silently, and force myself to stop. Then the other person looks at me and smiles. "Hey, sorry, didn't mean to wake you. I'm Fluer, Madam Maxime sent me to pack your stuff." I sit up, wiping my eyes. "Its fine, let me get Diavolo in his cage for you," I offer, standing up. Fluer nods and hands me his cage. When I whistle, he flies onto my arm. "Hey boy, you need to get in your cage, we're leaving in the morning," I murmer, stroking him. With a soft caw, Diavolo hops into his dark green cage. I hand the cage to Fluer before climbing back into bed and closing my eyes.

Cecil POV

Someone shakes me, and I mumble "leave me alone, I'm sleeping." Crudele's voice responds, and I can tell she was anxious. "Cecil, its time to go. Madam Maxime is waiting for us." Groaning, I open my eyes and look at her long blonde hair. Her dark eyes are watching me, and I smile, shoving her off my bed "fine, but let me get dressed first." Sitting up, I see all our stuff packed, and sigh. I grab my only outfit left out on head for the bathroom. I change quickly and walk out. Crudele looks at me and stands up off her bed. "Lets go, Fluer said her and her friend will bring our stuff later" she says,taking my hand. We walk side by side to Madam Maxime's office, me shivering in the chilly halls. Crudele knocks, and we hear our headmistress say "come in!" With one last glance at my friend, I reach out and open the door.

Crudele POV

The walk to Madam Maxime's office is silent and cold. When we reach it, I let Cecil open the door. The headmistress's fire is roaring. "You'll be using floo powder to get to Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you" Madam Maxime says kindly, and Cecil looks at me with wide eyes. I laugh weakly. "Watch me, it'll be fine, Cecil" I say, stepping up to the fireplace. "Dumbledore's office?"I ask Madam Maxime, who nods. With a sigh, I grab a handful of the green powder and step into the flames, shouting "Dumbledore's office, Hogwarts!"

Sole POV

I feel nothing. I see nothing, even though my eyes are open. People are talking, but its all buzzes to me. I remember the glowing eyes, and shut out the thought. If I could make a noise, I'd have screamed. Then a blinding flash of light crosses my vision, yet I still feel no pain, only numbness. The buzzing stops, and I get the feeling someone's watching me. Nothings right. I should be hungry, and yet I'm not. I should be able to see whoever's looking at me, but I can't. Nothing makes sense, and I can't push the image of the yellow eyes away for long. The light winks out, and I mentally sigh.

Cecil POV

I do the same as Crudele did, and land with a thud. My feet go out from under me, but before I can hit the ground, gently hands grab me. I look up to see the face of a very old man with half-moon spectacles. He smiles at me kindly as I stand up straight. "And you must be Ms. Cecil Strawn"he says, motioning for me to take a seat. "Y..yes sir. Where's Crudele?"I ask, noticing she wasn't there. "Oh, Ms. Sebastino has already gone to the hospital wing to see her brother. Would you like an escort?"he says, walking around his office. "No thank you, I'm sure I can find my way"I reply, not wanting to be a bother. When he nods, I stand and walk out.

I wander the huge school for what feels like hours, but actually is only 5 minutes. A girl with blonde hair has her back to me, and I assume she's Crudele. "Crudele? I thought you were..."I trail off as the girl turns towards me. She has blue eyes, not dark red. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else"I mumble, looking at my hands. "That's quite alright, would you like help finding her?"the girl asks, smiling. "Yes please, she's supposed to be at the hospital wing...?"I say, ending it questioningly. She nods "come on, I'll show you the way. I'm Luna, by the way." I follow her and say "I'm Cecil, nice to meet you."

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