Chapter 5

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Sole POV Flashback

I run around, playing tag with my mum. It was a new moon, and I loved the dark. I catch my mum and I yell happily "your it!" Then, just as I'm running from her, I start running back to her. A strange creature creeps out of the trees, following me. It snarls, showing ugly teeth, and talks in a scratchy voice. "Well, well, well, what do I have here? I can tell you have magic. And it must be strong since you're only 5. Let's see, 7 years before it starts, that's makes it start in you're second year. Won't that be fun, little boy?"it growls, then lunges at me. I scream as the werelynx bites my neck, my arms, my legs. My mum has disappeared. I cry, and then the werelynx leaves, and I lay there, bloody."Sole! My baby! Momma got help, don't worry." I try to nod, but can only cry. Then strong arms lift me, and I pass out.

Back in the present

I hear people talking, but can't make out the words. I feel a hand on mine, and know it belongs to Luna. I scream in pain as my back shrinks and my legs get longer. Then Luna's hand is removed, but I barely notice. Something is forced down my throat, and I cough and choke. I hear Madam Pomfry mutter something, and my throat clears. I thrash, the pain unbearable. My back aches, and my body feels like its on fire. Then I lose consciousness, again.

    When I gain consciousness next, I say "help me." Then I realize my voice is cracked. Luna touches my hand hesitantly. What's wrong with me? Then I hear her talking to Madam Pomfry. "He will be ok, won't he? Its been nearly 2 weeks" Luna says, and Madam Pomfry responds so quietly I don't hear. Then I hear a cat purring, and I know its Kimber. He's wrapped up on my chest, and I wonder how long he's been there. Wait, did Luna just say 2 weeks? 2 weeks since what? I wonder as I lay there. Then Kimber starts pawing my chest and I hiss in pain. Wait, hiss? I'm not a cat. And then I faint.

    Luna's brushing my hair, and I realize its getting long. I open my eyes, but see nothing. I hear Luna whispering to herself dreamily. My legs and back are back to normal, but I still can't move. Just then, the pain returns, but not as bad. I scream, and Madam Pomfry comes running. My legs grow, my back shrinks, and all the while I'm laying there, screaming in pain. This time, I don't lose consciousness. But I do feel like fire is all over my body, and scream. The pain gets worse, but now I can see slightly. Luna looks at me with wide, dark red eyes, and then I'm gone.

   Blinking my eyes open, I see Ernie sitting on a chair next to my bed. I feel weak, but my body is normal. Turning my head, I see Luna on my other side, and Justin sitting on the bed next to her. I open my mouth, but before I can say anything Madam Pomfry hustles over. She smiles when she sees my eyes open, then hands me a goblet of some strange potion. "Drink it all"she says, then turns to the visitors, shooing them out. I get up painfully and grab the goblet, taking a sip. I don't even notice the flavor, so I keep drinking it. When I finish, Madam Pomfry tells me to get some sleep, which I do happily. I sleep for a while, and its peaceful finally.

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