"You're the one laughing for no reason!" he objected.

"You're the one with a cheese mustache!" I defended.

"Oh. Now I feel pretty stupid." Jason said while trying to lick off the cheese. Yupp still pretty mental. Not changing my mind.

"Dude you don't need to feel stupid. You already are stupid." Carson chimed in.

"Ohhhh! Burn!" I yelled covering my mouth to say that. Then they looked at me again as if I was crazy.

"Seriously guys you have no sense of humor." I told them while getting off the table.

"Miguel you so stuped!" Jason randomly said. I stop and look at him. I ignored it and went into my room. I layed down on my bed and started listening to music.

I was in a middle of a song when I noticed that ne of the earbuds didn't work. I immediately panicked. I needed both earphones so I can block out the outside world but that's not possible if I one of the earbuds doesn't work!

"Ahh!" I ran screaming into the living room.

"Why are you yelling?" Jacob asked.

"My earphones don't work!" I grabbed it and showed it to them.

"Calm down it's just an earphone you can buy new ones at the campus store." Jason explained.

"Carson you gotta take me or else I'm gonna cry!" I told him.

"Sorry I would love too but I still have to do my art project." He responded and then went into his room.

"Jacob?" I asked smiling hopefully.

"I came the same day as you did so I have no idea where the store is at." He replied and going into his room too. Jerk. Aaron had left so I couldn't ask him.

"Jason?" I asked now facing him.

"Let me think about it..No!" He implied.

"Why not?!" I whined.

"You called me mental." He put his head high as if he was showing some dignity.

"Please!" I begged.

"Well when you put it that way then yes." He answered.

"Really?" I asked hopeful once again.

"No!" He retorted.

"Don't be mean like that!" I commented.

"You mean like you." He implied.

"What noo. Who gave you that idea?" I pretended to not know.

"You." He answered.

"Don't make me cry!" I complained.

"You're gonna cry? You are such a weenie. You won't cry when someone slaps you but you cry when your earphones stop working." Jason retorted.

"Exactly now please take me!" I pleaded.

"Sure." He answered like nothing.

"That's it? I begged and begged and you let me suffer and now that's it?" I asked confused.

"Exactly." He smiled copying me from earlier.

"Oh well let me take a shower cause I feel nasty from sweating." I explained saying 'nasty' in a funny way. I ran into my room, got my clothes, and went into the bathroom for a quick shower. When I finished I changed and then combed my hair quickly.

I went back into the living room and I noticed Jason had taken a shower too.

"No wonder the water came out cold!" I exclaimed. He just smirked. I went to him and pulled him by his arm towards outside.

"I have money now lead the way!" I rushed. I then saw Lizlee outside still walking with Aiden but I didn't care at the moment since I had bigger problems. Well in my world needing new earphones was a problem.

"Well it's a long walk since it's all the way across campus just so you know." Jason spoke.

"I don't care but I need my earphones. Music helps me escape my pain." I admitted and then covered my mouth.

"What pain?" He asked arching his eyebrows together in a confusing expression.

"Oh just something unimportant." I waved it away.

"It's not nothing if it's pain." He commented.

"Just drop it!" I fumed.

He continued looking at me but then decided to drop it.

"Sorry didn't mean to yell but I really don't want to talk about it." I apologized. He smiled weakly but continued walking.

"If it's a touchy subject I won't talk about it." He comforted.

We continued walking for a while and out of no where Jason stops and starts doing the stanky legg! Everybody passing by started staring and then started laughing. I then soon joined him and together we started doing the stanky legg in the middle of the school ground.

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