Chapter 3

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Oh my god, what a night! I really can't believe everything that's just happened. I must be dreaming because there is no way this is real. Walking the two roads up to my appartment, I keep rethinking and going over everything that happened.I just met Jay, who happened to introduce himself as Luke. But why Luke? What's going on? Why is he lying about who he really is? And why is he in New York, and why is he without the other lads? All these things are running through my head when I unlock the door to my appartment, only to find Lola sitting on my sofa. I wondered for a minute how she actually got in, but I remembered that I'd given her a key. She instantly bombards me with questions. Oh no, here we go. "What the hell was that Charlotte? Why is he here and why is he saying that his name is Luke? And what happened after I left? You were there for 2 extra hours! Now you have to tell me everything babe!" I know that she won't leave until I've told her everything. So, I just try and tell her everything that I can, because to be honest, I don't know the answers to some of those quesions myself. "Honestly Lola, those are the same things im wondering too. I have no idea why he's here or why he said his name is Luke. But it was actually nice to talk to him without mentioning anything about the band. I honestly don't know how I managed to keep it together the whole time, but let me tell you, there was so many times that I just wanted to get up and run around screaming in excitement. I'm just very confused now." By the look on her face, I can tell that Lola isn't satisfied with my answer. She says "are you sure that's all that happened?" "What did you think was going to happen? That he'd declare his undying love for me in the middle of the bar? Lola, I just met him and by the looks of things, he's having an identity crisis. We didn't speak about anything that is actually relevant and I don't know whether I'm actually going to see him again anyway." Surprisingly, Lola accepts my answer and stays quiet. I wasn't planning on telling her because I know that she'd overreact but I just couldn't help myself. "Lola, he asked for my number.." She doesn't react straight away, she just stares at me, as if she's trying to make sure I'm not messing with her. Suddenly, she yells "Shut up! Are you fucking kidding me?!" That's my Lola. "So, did you give it to him?" "No, the guy of my dreams asked me for my number and I just told him to go suck a stick. Of course I gave it to him! I was so nervous when writing it down though, I just hope I gave him the right number." Lola smiles, in the way she does when she's coming up with one of her plans. "I have an idea!" Well this should be interesting. "When he calls you and asks you out, because he will obviously, you're going to say yes. Since he wants to be Luke, you're going to let him be Luke. You don't have to know who he really is, he can't find out that you know the truth. Your mission is to find out just why exactly he's pretending to be someone he's not. Shouldn't be too hard right?" Lola is like a criminal, she's so good at these things. "I don't know, Lola. I don't think I'll be able to keep it up. You know what I'm like and look who we're dealing with! My weakness! It's basically like asking an alcoholic to walk into a club and pretend that there's no alcohol in there! It's impossible! I can't do it." Lola looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Okay girl first of all, you need to calm down. Secondly its not that hard. Did you forget who your awesome bestfriend is?! I got this. i'm gonna help you. I would do it myself but you're obviously the girl he wants! And besides, what would be the point of telling him you know who he is now anyway? Think about this as an adventure. you could so use some excitement and fun in your boring little life right now. All you do is, draw, study and drink beer. Just stop worrying about it!" Okay, she is right. I could use a bit of adventure in my life at the moment. "Fine, I'll do it, but that's if he even bothers to call me, which he probably won't. He was probably just being polite when he asked for it so lets not get too ahead of ourselves here."

Lola ignores my last comment. All she heard was that I'd agreed to do it. She squeals with excitement. "This is going to be so much fun! By the way, if your act together." I shot her a look and ask "What's that supposed to mean?" "Oh come on Charlotte, you know exactly what I mean. Ever since college started, you haven't been to one single party! You used to party like every weekend! You were the life of the party. If you want things to work out with Jay or Luke or whoever he wants to be called then you have to snap out of this. This isn't who you are and I know why you're acting like this so don't try and deny it" I knew this was coming eventually. She's right again. "I'm sorry Lola. This year has just been really tough for me you know? I miss him." She sighs and moves next to me on the couch and hugs me. I can't take it. I break down and before I know it, I broke down and the tears that I've been holding in since may just flew out. I'm so grateful for Lola's presence right now.  She can be a right pain in the arse sometimes but I couldn't have asked for a better best friend than her. Eventually I stopped crying and Lola gets up to leave saying "if you need to talk, I'm a phonecall away," I smile and nod. Lola opens the front door and turns back around to me saying "by the way, if Jay doesn't call you, I'm going to hunt him down, and makes sure he gets a piece of my mind. But don't worry, he's going to call." With that, she walks out and closes the door behind her. Crap, between the crying and Lola's lecture I had totally forgotten the real problem I had at the moment - Jay McGuiness. This is going to be interesting. 

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