Chapter 1

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He walks towards the couch where I'm sitting. There was a look in his eyes that hadn't been there a few minutes ago. He pulls me up to him, and grabs me on the waist. He pulls me in closer towards him and he whispers something in my ear, I just couldn't make out what he was saying. All I hear is this stupid beeping sound. That's when I realise its my alarm clock beeping. I wake up and roll over to turn it off, followed by a groan. It was all just a dream, but it felt so real! I hate it when that happens. Glancing over at my alarm clock again, I realise that I have exactly 20 minutes to get dressed and get ready for my phsycology class. As I'm getting ready, I cant stop thinking about that dream. He was in my house, in my living room. He was about to kiss me, Jay freaking McGuiness was going to kiss me!! But of course, it was just a dream; thats about all the luck I get. On the 15 minute train journey from my apartment in Brooklyn to the NYU campus deep in the city, I came to the realisation that me, Charlotte Brooklyn Hope, have a very serious issue. I'm completely in love and obsessed with a british boyband called The Wanted. But this obsession is different. It's not like an 'OMG i love this song and the band is amazing' kind of way. I'm talking about a complete 'I have a blog and draw full of merchandise dedicated to these 5 sexy boys and your opinion is invalid' sort of way. And its pretty pathetic because I'm 21 for gods sake! But honestly, I just can't help it. I do try and keep this obsession to myself though. The thing is, they're not really that big over here in America yet and nobody will understand this obsession and if I'm honest, I don't really like the idea of sharing my men. I know that sounds selfish and stupid, but thats me and thats true. They actually make my life complete and I'm alright with having them in my life so anyones opinion doesnt really matter to me.

I finally arrive at my psycology class 5 minutes late, but the professor doesnt notice because he's too busy droning on about some experiment that was done in the like 1800's. I am trying my best to concentrate but that's not very easy when I have a complete cutie sitting a few seats away from me. He's wearing some dark denim jeans with a white polo shirt on and he kind of reminds me of nathan, as he has a sweeping fringe and the same face shape as him. Yes, go on, say it. You're expecting this boy to look like a sloth now aren't you? Well I'll have you know, sloths can be quite attractive...sometimes. Anyway, it could just be my imagination but he really does look like nathan. Eventually, he looks up and catches me staring at him. Crap. I look away slowly so that it doesn't look creepy and make me look obvious. I go to my other classes, then I go to work at the art gallery in the city. The gallery isn't really busy on Tuesdays, so I take my time to look...or stalk, whatever you want to call it, on the boys twitter. Thats strange, the last thing that was posted was of them on a plane but they weren't saying where they were flying to. And that was posted yesterday morning! You know, having this obsession means you have to know where they boys are like every single second of the day and not knowing where they were flying to really made me paraniod. I mean, what if the plane crashes and no one knows where they are, or if they've got kidnapped or something?! That's it, I need an intervention. And the only person that can help me with that is my best friend, Lola. She's also my fangirling buddy and she's the one that first got me to like The Wanted. Yes, I give you permission to hate her. I text Lola, and we both agree to meet at our favourite coffee house after work. 5 hours later, I'm in there, sitting at a table waiting for her to arirve. She's late, what a surprise. I love Lola and everything but her timekeeping skills really need some improving. I turn around to call the waitress over to my table and that's when I noticed him. Sitting on his own at the counter. At first I thought I was kind of imagining things because of the dream I'd had last night. I couldn't even see his face until he turned around to talk to the waiteress and asked for a beer and there was no way I could mistake his curly hair and his arms with the tattoos. I mean, who else would look that hot?! Holy crap!!! This isn't real. I pinched myself to see if I was actually dreaming but I wasn't. Ok, seriously I need to calm down right now. But I couldn't. Jay McGuiness was in my favourite bar, he was in my flipping home town! Seriously, the fangirl inside me needs to calm down. Oh stuff it, I need another beer. The waitress finally starts walking my way,  and after I've spoken to her and ordered, I felt a bit calmer. I realised that the guy could not be jay. Why on earth would he chose this bar and not any other one? And why is he here on his own? Where are the others?! And where the hell is Lola when I need her? It just made no sense at all. As I sit there for the next few minutes, staring at my beer and realising I'm talking to myself again, I didn't even realise the guy was standing right next to my table until he clears his throat. I look up and in that split second, I'm pretty sure I died like a million times. It's really him. Oh my lord. I somehow manage to keep calm and not jump up from my seat and scream like a complete moron. In fact, I don't do anything at all, which completely surprised me! I just stared at him until I realise that I probably look really stupid right now. I don't know what to do. Is he waiting for me to say something? I say the safest thing that pops into my head at the time. "hi". Hi?! Jay is standing right in front of me and that's all I could push out? Great. That's all he wanted though because it wasn't long before he sat down directly opposite me, in the seat that Lola should be sitting in, with a cute smile on his face. This is when things get really unusual as Jay asks, "Are you waiting for someone?" He spoke to me again. AHH. I'm literally freaking out right now inside. This is when I'm grateful I have skin because if he saw the emotion and inner fangirl in me, I'd be skrewed. I just blurt out "no?" It comes out as if I was asking him a question. Gosh I'm so embarrassed. Lola is going to kill me! Jay however, doesn't notice my weirdness and casually asks me my name. I manage to get it together before saying Charlotte. He sticks his hand out across the table and in his incredibly sexy british accent, "Lovely to meet you Charlotte. I'm Luke." Luke? Luke?! What  the hell?


Hello everyone. So I said that I'd start another story for you, and this I feel is going to be a much better story, so I really hope that you enjoy it and that you've enjoyed the first chapter! The story will updated soon. Please vote and comment what you think, it'll mean a lot :) 

Vicky xoxox

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