i was crying so hard,he stopped hitting me


bee:its over ,we are over!

he grabbed my wrist

bee:let go !

prince:its not over untilI i SAY ITS OVER OK

he let go of my wrist


he leift withoutlooking back.i went in my bed and cried.


bre pov

so i'm gonna tell u wat happened at school

flash back

prince:well i abused bahja,when i pulled her out the cafeteria


i was about to attack him,but prod held me back,but dest charged at him,she punched him

dest:that is for hurting my bestie!

roc held her back but she pushed him and went to class

bre:let go of me prod

prod let go of me and i went to class

flash back over

thats all i know


so im driving to prods house to tell him,10 mins later i arrived.

i knocked but the door was opened,i walked in,it was quiet ,i walked upstairs.

i opened the door to his room...........GASP

prod:baby its not wat it looks like

bre:dont u dare baby me ,who is she ?


girl:im his girlfriend,who are u?

bre;none of ur damn bussines!,prod u cheated on me for the frist time

prod:im sorry ,plzz forgive me

bre:how can i ,im fuckin pregnant prod with ur child!.



i walked up to the girl

bre:u bitch!

i punched her ,and walked out crying ,i cant belive this

dest pov

so roc came over after,bre went to prods place

dest:wat u wanna talk about

roc:im sorry for abusing u,plzz forgive me

dest:yh i'll forgive u, but if this happenes again ,im never forgiving u

roc:talk u talk u ,i love u

after he said that bre came in ,she was crying

dest:bre wats wrong

she just ran upstairs crying,i told roc im coming and ran after her.i walked in her room to see her crying

bre pov

i ran up to my room,and cried then someone walked in but i know its dest

dest:wats wrong bre?

she came over to me and embraced me in to a hug

bre:prod cheated on me

i said and cried harder

dest:HE DID WAT,

bre:i went to his house and say him with some hoe,kissing

dest:wat the fuck!


nique pove

star:dont touch me ray

ray was hitting me and i was fighting back.

i told him it was over and he said no its not and started hitting me

i started crying,he stopped hitting,me he was about to say something but i stopped him

star:ray,get out ,just get out!,i dont wanna see ur face

he walked out.then i screamed

star:why are u soo abusive?

my mom knows i got suspened,so im not alowed to get out the house,im not allowed to talk to my friends

i know ur thinking ,then how is ray here,my family went out ,and he txted me and wanted to come over,so he did

i went in the bathroom,and cleaned  my face.then my phone beeped taht means i got a text,i checked it ,its from dest

it said ......

i dropped my phone and gasped,bre's pregnant


dun dun dun

bre's pregnant!

-do u like wat prod did to bre

-are u happy dest forgived roc

-do u like wat ray and prince did to bee and nique

coment ,share and vote.

u can inbox me if u have a idea for the story

can u guys go read ''best friend not till the end'' vote and comment on it plzz

and go read ''is this real love or a joke'' vote and coment on it plzz

do it for me

thnx bye

~ peace

abusive (omg girlz and mb)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя