Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Jennifer aka OO9, my specialty is sniping."

"Tricia aka Trixie, my specialty is double sword attack."

Then the left.

"Katherine aka 50k, my specialty is rifle attack."

"Takahiro aka 2bullet, my specialty is bow and arrow."

She then put her legs down.

"Iris aka Phantom, my specialty is knife throwing. I'm the leader of the Night Reaperz. Tell us your purpose of coming here for Flame, or should I say, Vince?"

Drake cleared his throat. "I trust the black letter arrived?" He looks at Vince. ", arrived yesterday?" Drake's jaw drop. "Wha-what? What kind of service is this? You're suppose to give letters out the minute they arrive!" he exclaimed. Iris held her hand up, signaling him to stop. Suddenly, Tricia walked towards the door, hand gripping the knob. "Blame that on Ed who just so happened to be behind that door." On cue, Tricia opened the door and a man stumbled in. "Oops, found again." he shrugs. "Blah-blah-blah, long story short you knew they were coming but didn't tell us." If looks could kill then I think these 5 glares would put Ed more then 20ft under. I'm starting to understand why Vince is acting these way, they're scary. What's worse is that 'innocent' smile they all have to 'cover' their emotions. "Ed, sit." Jennifer gestured to the chair all the way at the other end of the table. "I was just checking up on ya, I'll be goin-" "Ed. SIT." We were speechless, was that how they treat the boss around here? And her eye....I shudder. Ed cleared his throat before sitting at the end of the table. Ed suddenly lost the gleam in his eyes. He was being serious now.

"Yes. It is true that I've been informed but I saw no need to tell you in advance as they are here for a different purpose from you Reaperz. They will be staying at the nearby dorms and may come over whenever they want. However, these two missions cannot mix. Both of you have to work your missions out without involving the other team. However, if push comes to shove then I'd see to it that preparations are made." Ed sips his tea. Wait what? I look down, my cup was gone. Suddenly, a new cup was served to me. "I apologize for his behavior but he has been quite stressed lately. Please, have this new cup." A lady stood by Ed, she had straight brown hair and was carrying a clipboard. "Sue! Haven't seen you since the time we went camping." Katherine greets the lady. "Sue here is Ed's manager and our agent." Takahiro introduced. "Only the best of the best gets the best." Ed says, satisfied with his tea. "So it's true that you guys are one of the best teams in history?" I enquire. "What do you think?" Iris questions me. I look at them, they're all special and they all have a looming aura. It seems like they all understand death very well. And they have the boss and boss' manager...must be then. "Status don't make you the top, skill and intelligence does." Iris says, as if she could read my mind. Drake clears his throat, "If you don't mind, we would like a private moment with Vince." "Of course. Takahiro, show them the way." Takahiro got up and led us out of the room to another room in the long hallway. Can't believe 5 kids are sharing this huge place. "Take as long as you need. The Reaperz will be having a talk with Ed. Wait in the living room, I trust Vince knows where all the rooms are now." He walks away.

"Buddy! How you've been doing?" Drake crushes me with his hug. "I'm *cough* fine." I wheezed out. "Doesn't look that way to me when we were in that meeting room." Leo commented. "No really. It's cool." I reply. "Are those kids really the best thing?" Lilly asks. "More than you think."
"So, do you like the surprise?" Mari asks me excitedly. "Surprise? Oh ya! I can't believe you guys requested to come half way across the world!" I exclaim. "We are still on duty though, just collaborating with Feather Wind. Why that name though I wonder?" Drake asks. "This assassin company is disguised as a magazine company. The "reporters" go out and not only find scoops but secret intel for missions. But they do have to publish monthly, it's a trending magazine. And your letter came to me late because it was mixed up with the fan mail." I explained.
"Hmm, smart idea to hide an assassin company though." Drake comments. "We've already packed our things into the dorm, mind if we stay here till night?" Leo asks.
"Of course you can." Katherine suddenly comes into the room. "Were you there the whole time?" Mari asks her. "Nope, I was just coming up to tell Vince dinner was ready but I guess you guys can come too." We head to the stairs and started going down. But Katherine had a totally different idea, she slid down the handle on her feet and jumped off the end. The others stared at her. "What? Shortcut, most of us don't even use the stairs to go down." We continue to go down the stairs and I brought the others to the dining room. It seems Ed already left. As we sat down at the dining table. Tricia suddenly hand signaled me. Dis-cus-sion. Af-ter. Din-ner. She held a finger to her lips. I simply nodded at her before going back to dinner.

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