"Yeah," Calum agreed, shrugging a little.

"I guess I can't complain," Ashton answered last, smiling at his bandmates.

"Then, @BeauClifford asks: 'what is Michael's hair colour in his passport?'. That's a good one."

"Eh, black and white? Because the picture is in black and white, so, yeah." Michael shrugged, grinning a little. It probably wasn't the answer they had hoped for, but it was a smart answer.

"That's a good answer," Dan nodded. "Let me have a look at the list here... @TeenageMutantSunday asked: 'What would you do if a vegetable walked up to you?'"

"Would that- that's..." Michael gave Dan a weird look, before Ashton leaned forward. "I'd steam it and eat it with salmon."

It went silent for a moment, before they all started laughing (or in Ashton's case half giggling).

"Good one," Michael commented, as Calum simply nodded.

"We've got three questions left, but we're first going to play a song or two, so hang in there fans!" Dan announced, putting on a song and muting the sounds again.

"So, not a lot of questions, but I wasn't allowed more than six, sorry if that bothers you," Dan apologised.

"That's okay." Calum said, shrugging. "It's not your fault."

"Still, I feel bad for your fans."

"Yeah, but they'll be okay. We got plenty more interviews coming so all questions will be answered eventually, I think." Ashton smiled a little, not sure what else to say. It's not like they really could do something about it.

Dan held up a finger, turning the microphones back on and telling the listeners which songs that had been. "Thank you if you're still hanging on, the boys are grateful."

"We are," they chimed in, smiling and chuckling a bit.

"Now, let's go to the last three question already." Dan ran a hand through his hair as he grinned at the boys. "Always an interesting one. How do you guys feel about fans that aren't girls?"

"Well, they're no different. As in, we wouldn't treat them differently. If they're a fan of us we're happy and if we make you happy it's even better. Do I make sense?" Michael scrunched up his nose at his own words, looking at the others.

"I think Michael is right. You should love what you want and do what you want. If you're a guy and like us, so what what people say. If it makes you happy it makes us happy. And we love all our fans equally." Ashton followed up, smiling. The other two agreed.

"Who asked it?"

"Oh sorry! This question was from..." Dan scrolled a bit again, "@Luke_is_a_penguin."

"Cute name," Ashton commented, still smiling. "So Luke, don't worry, we love you."

Michael and Calum chuckled, but agreed. Dan simply smiled at all the boys, continuing. "Now, @PikachuLola asked: 'What is the funniest or greatest band memory you have?'"

"Wow, that's a hard one," Michael said, leaning back and breathing out heavily.

"Like Michael said. But I think we can all agree we like everything. The touring, meeting fans, playing to the fans. All of it." Ashton answered.

"Then let's make it a bit of a different one, anything that happened lately that stood out?" Dan offered.

The boys stayed silent for a moment, before Michael started laughing. "Yeah! When Niall tripped over air and fell just next to the couch!"

Calum and Ashton laughed along with him, nodding. "Yeah."

"That was funny yeah," Ashton said, "he's okay though. Laughed about it himself."

"He did." Michael agreed.

"Or when Ashton had some soup and thought it was cold," Calum started, Michael taking over, "yeah! He took this huge spoon, but it was hot so he spit it out, but he spit it out over Dave!"

Ashton looked at Dave (who had been in the same room) embarrassingly, sighing in relief as the man gave him a reassuring smile.

Michael and Calum laughed at the memory, Ashton eventually not able to help himself and laughing a little. "It was mostly embarrassing. But yeah, also a bit funny."

"Sounds like you guys do have a good laugh on tour." Dan noted, making all three guys agree again.

"So, last fan-question for today, from... @CatHoodx97, they ask: 'Do you guys want to go laser-tagging with me sometime?' Ohh, sounds like a date!"

All three boys chuckled, before Calum leaned forward and answered first, "well, Cat. I'm in."

"Yeah! Get ready to kick some ass!" Michael cheered.

"Hey, it's Cat and I that are gonna kick your and Ashton's ass," Calum fake glared at Michael, "she claimed me already."

"But I wanna join you two. We can so beat Ash and Ni!" Michael pouted at the dark haired boy.

"That's not fair!" Ashton protested. "I will not go with two against three!"

"Then you two take Dave. That's settled." Michael shrugged. "Now we're really ready to kick some ass."

Calum and Dan chuckled, as Ashton let out a sigh. "Fine."

"Well, you've heard it CatHoodx97, the boys are all up for it and you even get Dave! Now..."

Dan continued to ramble about what would come next (which included the three boys as their interview time wasn't over yet).

Calum was quick to take out his phone for a moment, while Michael and Dave were exchanging challenging faces. And Ashton? He just watched them all. They were his family and he loved them all to pieces. He honestly couldn't imagine what he'd do without them anymore. He knew they thought the same thing and that made him smile. But little did he know that it wasn't such a good thing later on.

Psycho. // Lashton // AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang