My Name, Raven Asuna-Ro'meave

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I woke up to see a brightly lit room. A Sat up and stretched, making a 'nyah' like sound. I had forgotten about Zane sitting next to me, but I did remember my dream.

From what I saw, I had a mother who abandoned me. That means I was, an orphan. I stood up and walked to the window, as I always did when I woke up from my memories.

"I've never seen you out of your chair before" I froze realizing Zane was still there.

"Well, I always look out the window when I wake up." I gave him part of the whole truth.

"Really, I've never seen you do it before." He stood up along up beside me.

"Well, I do, I like seeing the village," I touched the glass, "it makes me feel a part of it, even though all I've done is sit here and watch over Cake."

Zane leaned over me trying to follow my stare, "I've been meaning to ask, how do you cope with being alone in here all the time."

"Well, I'm not alone all the time." I explained, "Crescent and Garroth visit often to see how Cakes doing.... I think... I think I'll go out to the village today, Cake didn't need to be watched twenty four seven. Although I want to be here when she wakes up, I have no idea when she will and I need to go out to the village, and talk to people."

"Then we should go, I could probably show you around a bit," He finally figured out that I was looking at Aphmau, "and I could formally introduce you to Aphmau."

"Really?!" My ears perked up.

"Yea, but you should change. I don't want you to embarrass yourself infront of the leader of the Phoenix Alliance." Here chuckled walking out the room.

I got changed, while, luckily, Cake still rested. I was in a blue and teal dress that had a train and long, flowing sleeves. I also put on a teal and black flower crown I found in a box labeled, "belongings of R. A.-R.", hopefully they don't mind.

I walked out the room, to see Zane waiting for me, " You look worthy now. "

I could tell that has was blushing, which made me blush, but I didn't day anything.

"OK, let's go, it's a very dangerous climb down so hold tight." He days giving me his hand.

I simply nodded grabbing hold of his hand as we walked down the stairs. I never realized how tall the tree was until I had to climb so much just to get to the ground. I knew my dress was following behind me, covering several steps. When we finally reached the bottom, Aphmau wasn't far. Zane let go of my hand and walked forward with me by his side.

"Oh, Zane, I see you finally convinced Raven to come down." She smiled brightly.

"No, I decided for myself, but how did you know my name?" I needed truth.

"Zane told me when he came here, carrying a showing you." She explained.

"Wait, he carried me here?" I felt my cheeks burn and my eyes widen.

"Yes, I carried you here, it's not that big of a deal," he too was blushing, growling under his mask.

"Well, Raven, if you can, I'd like your help, building my village. We don't have a lot of buildings and now we need to build a council Hall, that isn't in the trees, for meetings." She went straight to business.

"I can definitely help there." I told her, "just tell me where I have to work."

"I'll take you there now!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, lead the way."

Aphmau took me to a construction area. Brendon, Crescent, and Vylad were already there working.

"Raven! Glad to see you finally out of that room!" Crescent said running up to me.

My name is Raven, Raven Totton. I don't know what my name is here, though, but I do still know, Raven.

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