Running away

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The sun broke through the clouds and its rays hit Jordan face first. He groaned and muttered a curse, trying to shift sideways for getting the bloody sun out of his face.
He suddenly realized that there was something soft and warm lying on top of him. His head jerked downwards and saw a sleeping Aurora curled into a ball on his stomach with her arms around his torso, clutching on to his rumpled shirt as if for dear life.

She looked so beautiful, Jordan realized.
Those honey locks that framed her narrow face, the golden lids of her closed eyes, the beautiful light gold shade of her skin, her lips a gorgeous shade of pink made an perfect O. Jordan's eyes lingered there for a moment before a sudden ache started in the pit of his stomach and he quickly looked away with a small sigh.
Aurora looks so young and innocent while asleep, He thought, when in reality it was not the same shit.
It took him a single word to describe her -wild.
She was a person who didn't give a shit to the consequences of her actions and did whatever she liked.
But she did care, Thought Jordan, at least for the ones close to her...she cares too much but fails to show it...
A beep of something woke him up from the trail of thoughts. He looked around, training his movements so as to not disturb Aurora. Jordan's eyes landed on Tara's black handbook aka. Vroom. (I.e. Laptop). The screen showed PJ walking towards his office. He hurriedly woke Aurora up, who gingerly pulled away from Jordan and stretched out her arms.
"Look" he said excitedly while waking up Tara and Xander. They all gathered around the screen and held their breath in anticipation.
PJ walked towards the door of his office and twisted the knob.
Everything was quiet for a second and then...BAMM!! The door came out of its hinges and fell down with a thud. And as if to add cherry on to of the cake, the knob was the only thing left in his hand. PJ's eye twitched and he got the full view of the pigeon coop...
"Priceless!" Exclaimed Tara.
"Mannn!! He looked like he has just seen a ghost" Xander said.
PJ turned around and muttered a series of curses. He looked around for a while until his eyes landed on a bottle standing on his desk. He raced towards the bottle and opened it, starting to gulp it down....only to splat every drop out.
Jordan scratched his neck, "Was I the one to do this?" He asked.
"Maybe... Maybe not." Aurora said smirking.
PJ had called up all the staff and they were scattering about trying to find the culprit.
"Now this is what I call freaking PJ turmoil." Zenna said.
Suddenly they saw two of their teachers pointing towards the stairs.
They all cursed out loud and then scrambled up to wake others.
"Hurry, someone's coming up!!" Aurora yelled.
"Com on get your asses up, else we are doomed!!" Yelled Jordan.
"What-" Mia yawned, -"what happened? Why did ya wake us up so eaarly??" She said, her voice thick with sleep.
"Because someone's coming up the terrace and if you don't get your pretty-delicate-porcelain-princess-self up, we all gonna land up in who knows in whichsoever hell!! GET UP NOW! ASAP!"

Everyone was on their feet on hearing that, like someone has placed white hot metal below their ass.
"What?" Zenna and Mia yelled in unison.
"Hurry!" Tara said.
Adrenaline ran in all of their veins, all the traces of morning lousiness gone.
They all ran towards the back of the terrace.
"What do we do now?" Asked Tara.
"Don't know.." Said Xander.
"Let's climb down from the pipe." Aurora suggested.
"Like they do in the movies?! No way. Are you trying to get us all killed?!" Tara said grinning.
"Let's do this." Jordan declared and hopped on the edge of the boundary and peeked below. They were nine stories up.
"Not gonna work." He said, "Its too high and there isn't a single damned pipe available whatsoever." He ran his hand through his hair, with his signature smirk pasted on his face.
"Well then we are doomed." Theo said, high-fiving Aurora.
Nothing ever bothered the crew, not even something this major. They would laugh standing at death's door, and probably would make death stick its finger up its ass.
Yeah that's what they all were -young wild and free.
Suddenly Xander's eyes lit up.
"We can make a rope and climb down it." He said.
"And what the heck do you think we would make it of?" Asked Zenna.
"Our clothes of course." Said Aurora.



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