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I snapped awake after hearing the thick voice. It felt so real and close, but I knew it wasn't him. I know it wasn't him. No one was in the room to speak even the door was completely closed. Why did I think Jack spoke to me? I chose a life where no one remembered me. I'm not famous, not popular and not . . . alone. Suddenly there was a knock on his door making me almost fall out of bed.

"Mister?" A small boy was on the other side, it was little Sam with a bit of a frightened voice.

"Sam? Is that you? Come on in don't be afraid." I called out in a soothing voice as the small child entered my room.

Sam looked like he was crying and when I saw him after he flicked on my light. His right eye was patched while the other was red from the rubbing and stuffiness.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked him as he walked over to me. "It's okay you can tell me."

Sam nodded and looked at me with a bit of sadness still painted on his face. I had to do something, something to cheer him up with. And that's when it hit me that he could sleep in my room with a special stuffed animal back in the time machine.

"Hey, Sam you can sleep here with a special toy I used to use so the bad dreams don't get me." I get up and have him follow me to the time machine to pick up my toy and come back to my room to where it was worm and cozy inside. "Here," I lay a sheet on the floor with the fluffiest pillow I have. "you can sleep here just in case the bad dreams want to pick a fight with the great and powerful Mark." I laugh and Sam laughs with me and he sounded happy and not so sad and felt the reassurance I was trying to give him to make him feel better.

"Thank you sir." Sam said before laying on the sheets and falling asleep.

I smiled and chuckled lightly. He was cute, he reminded me a lot of Jack back ten years ago. I felt warmth run down my face and it tickled a bit. I was crying again. Why, am I crying? My tears flow out of my eyes and down my cheeks. 

"Fuck." I say to myself quietly trying to wipe my face from my tears and I get up to go to the bathroom to wash my face.

I step around Sam and walk to the door quietly opening it. I begin to walk to the bathroom in the darkness and I run in to someone making us both fall to the floor. It was Jack, whispering 'Fuck' and 'ow' to himself on the floor along with me.

"Jack?" I whisper going to my knees.

"Mark?" Jack's accent was clear enough to know it was him. "What the hell are you doing at this time at night?" He whispered starting to stand.

"Me? What about you?" I counteracted his question. "I was going to the bathroom, you?"

"Same." Jack looked at me and touched my face, it was clear his eyes adjusted to the darkness. "Were you. . . crying?" I jumped and tried to hide it.

"N-No, I got dust in my eyes when I was trying to get up to go to the bathroom." I tried really hard to hide it as my eyes adjusted to the darkness as well.

"If you're sad you can tell me you know." Jack smiled. "To me you're like my best friend you big doof."

I laughed. "I know, I should have guessed." I look at the ground with sadness. "I've made a horrible mistake that I can't go back to."

"What is that?" Jack asked.

"Well, I made an 'agreement' and I had to say goodbye to everyone I loved and cared about." I started.

"So, what's the problem." Jack asked confused.

"I said goodbye to everyone, but one person I couldn't believe I forgot to say goodbye to." I started to cry. "I don't know how I forgot about them, but I regret not saying goodbye and choosing this 'agreement' I didn't think three times before accepting."

"Who were they?" Jack asked.

"I can't tell you, it's apart of the 'agreement'." I told him trying to not look at him. "I would if I could, but I can't."

Jack stood there and touched my chest. "Listen, you told me the same thing back then as well. . . You said goodbye to everyone. Everyone but one person and you still refuse to talk to me about it. Can't you just tell me. Forget the 'agreement' and just tell me who they were."

"I can't." I walk to the front door and sit outside and Jack followed me.

"I'll keep asking until you tell me." Jack said with determination.

"I can't, or else." I told Jack.

"Or else what?" Jack asked back taunting me.

" I can't fucking tell you." I said with a bit of anger.

"Who. . . Was. . . It. . ." Jack poked my cheek and laughed and continued to ask and I finally cracked without realizing it.

"IT WAS YOU JACK!" I cover my mouth realizing what I had said. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did I say that?!"

"Mark, what, are you. . ." He looked at me with shock and worry.

"I. . ." I sigh before speaking once again. "I'm a time traveler. I gave up everything to help my family and friends from death and more. Jack, you were my best friend with Bob and Wade. I was thinking of everyone else, but you and forgot to say goodbye to you. YOU of all people."

"Mark." Jack looked sad and looked at the ground.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but it's true. I was a YouTuber like Felix and Yami. I was Markiplier, I had twelve million subscribers that supported me. Felix found you though a shout out competition while you blew up after you played a collab video with me on Gmod." I sighed and looked at Jack. "I'm sorry." I clenched my fists together and closed my eyes.

"Mark, I. . ."

The Deep Voice Time TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now